Chapter 4: Molly gets completely owned

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Friday afternoon finally arrived. As soon as school ended that day, Becky, Tamika and Xuan raced to take their places outside the school building while Nick stayed behind to make sure that Molly walked in the right direction. And with those three girls counting on her, Nick was ready to do anything to make sure that Molly was in the right place at the right time. 

As soon as Molly saw Nick watching and besetting her at the end of class, she looked very scared and was about to dart off in the other direction. 

Nick had only seconds to decide what to do - it was either: physically drag the weak girl downstairs where the others were waiting, or befriend her and pretend to make up with her. A lot was riding on this. 

Molly (right) waitresses at her mommy's restaurant with her smug older brother Jeremy (centre) and Nick (left) also helps out there some nights

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Molly (right) waitresses at her mommy's restaurant with her smug older brother Jeremy (centre) and Nick (left) also helps out there some nights

But Nick had one important bargaining chip: the jacket. Little would Molly know, of course, that it had been seriously vandalised since she last saw it.

"Hey, Molly, don't worry, I just wanted to say that I'm sorry, actually," Nick opened, making it up as she went along.

"Wait, what?", Molly replied, sceptical.

Nick: "Yeah I'm sorry that we've been bullying you. I'm going to tell the others to stop doing it because it's not nice.... and yeah, you don't deserve it."

Molly: "Well thank you. I don't deserve it."

She did deserve it though, Nick thought to herself

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She did deserve it though, Nick thought to herself. But she bit her lip and spun the next lie.  

Nick: "Yeah and we can be friends again if you want."

Molly was so happy she was smiling from ear to ear. "Really?? But what about the others?"

"Don't worry they will stop as well. Actually they want to meet you outside now, to give you back your jacket and say sorry", replied Nick, lying through her teeth. 

"Wait, why are they outside? Why didn't they just talk to me here?", Molly asked anxiously. 

"Well," Nick explained, "they thought this would be better coming from me first, as we're close, you know? They're all reallyyyy sorry, you know, and actually... oh maybe I shouldn't say."

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