even without her powers she still has to work. She went into a hotel "Theres a meeting" she says to the reception, the lady nodded "the basement miss" anya nodded as she makes her way to the basement by stairs, its easier to go by stairs then be on the elevator with a possible enemy. Suspect everybody she thought, she opens a door and sees the one and only handler "starlight, you're late." she says as she smokes with her legs crossed sitting comfortably on a chair thats facing the entrance.

"I apologize somebody asked if we should get married." anya says as she places her suitcase on a desk and grabbed papers "Information i got from an informer about your little drug problem" she says as she hands the papers to handler "thank you starlight, and you're getting married?" she says "would you let me?" anya asked "no." the handler said coldly.

"exactly" anya responds as she rolls her eyes "you'll marry into the future but not right now starlight, and your little boyfriend can wait.. he seems to be too inlove to leave you" handlers says as she teases, anyas face turns red because of embarrassment "p-please, don't be too involved in my private life handler.." she says as she covers her face with one of her hands in embarrassment.

"I have a new mission for you starlight." handlers says "what is it?" she asked "I suggest you to not tell your father, Id like to tell you the mission you had when you lost your powers." anyas eyes widen at what she said, she turned to handler and walked to her "what happened?" she asked.

"The organization where you were experimented on was responsible, they created a new device to lose the energy of your mind reading powers. If you wanna get it back you may break into their facility. But thats your only goal, you may see other children being experimented on, other children being forced and such. You may proceed with this mission but you must remember your goal."

The handler finished "why must i not save the children?" anya asked "for obvious reasons, hell will break lose, the children would suffer by being hunted aswell, and we cannot control other children with successful powers like yours. They may rebel." Shes right. I can't save them right now..

"Ill take the mission" she says "great, prepare in two weeks and you must strictly keep this a secret, you may tell your so called husband but he mustn't tell anyone else." The handler said, anya nods "also can you deal with the rookie today? He seems to be messing up everything hes doing.." the handler sighs, anya rolled her eyes "fine" she said as she makes her way into the organizations training areas.

Anya was being starred at as she walks into the training areas. Hey she may lost her powers but her co-workers are very bad at whispering. she got to the room where the rookie is training "I know i have 30minutes le-" the rookie turns around and sees anya "A-AGENT STARLIGHT!" He quickly bows "relax, handler sent me here.. you need help rookie? Whats your name?" she says "o-oh! Im wa- I mean.. agent boston nice to meet you!" He says "and i uh.. need help with punches.." he says embarrassingly.

"Punches?" anya chuckles as she removes her blazer exposing her white polo and black tie, "give me that dummy" she says as she points at a dummy thats the size of grown man and is the weight of a grown man. "Just punch their nose, jaw, throat or the classic.. the groin! and uh learn how to dodge aswell and invade and always find a spot to hit thats tecnically it! Are we done here?.." she says

"Uhh I already know all of those!.. its just said that my punches are.. weak." He says as he scratches his cheek and putted one finger up "push ups, practice on this buddy about everyday for an hour and uhh yeah.." she says "Is that how you gain powerful punches agent starlight?" He says "kind of.. I was trained since i was little by my mother haha.." she says "for self defense purposes" anya said quickly "okay.. can you fight me? please?" he begged "uh.. yeah sure.." anya agrees

"throw at me then ill defend" she says, seconds later he throws punches.. hes fast.. she says as she defends herself huh.. im faster though as boston throws a punch she ducked to avoid it then took her chance to kick his legs causing him to trip, anya grabs her knife from her boot and pinned him on the floor with a knife against his throat "weakest punches ive ever encountered, you are fast so stick with that" she says as she gets up and grabs her blazer and puts it back on, "see ya rookie" she says goodbye then leaves the organization to go back home.

If you're wondering, she is in a 5 month leave but she did want to go work but just get information, not any dangerous missions since she promised damian to not go into dangerous missions while in her break.


Not a depressing ch, YET.


Vote or ill kill off damian (ill never do that hes my favorite) but unless..🤪🤪🤪

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