Bắt đầu từ đầu

   Shaking his head, he's grinning when he waves at me.


Meet me at my house at 730? A text comes in from Cohen as I'm finishing up my shift.

   I just put away the paddle boards and I'm almost done the closing paperwork. As I pull down the window cover, I turn around and smile at my phone.

   At 2P.M. when I got back to the Hut to work, Cohen was talking with a few local girls. One was Luke's girlfriend, Naomi. The one I helped on the beach last weekend. I know she saw me because she nodded and smiles, but that was it. I tucked myself into the back door of the hut before anyone could talk to me. After the girls wandered away, Cohen came back over to me and looked me up and down, biting his lip. He mumbled something about missing me and pinned me against the wall, kissing me hard. I had to stop him before a costumer saw us, and also before I got to into it. The way he looks at me and the way he makes my body feel is a whole new experience. I like it, maybe too much.

   Now, it's 7:15P.M and I can't wait to get to Cohen. Last night we made out on my bed. That morning, we were pretty damn close to having sex. I know it's coming, especially after the way he kissed me this afternoon. I want it and I know he does. The anticipation is almost enough to make me nervous, though.

   I slip my sandals back onto my feet and push open the door to leave, locking it behind me. It's a weird muggy evening and it feels like it could rain, but it seems like that's common weather for Avila. It rarely rains, though. The walk back to my house takes ten minutes, and I just change into a sundress and brush my hair. On my way back out again, my mom calls me from the living room.

   "How was the Hut today?" she asks, as I poke my head in.

   "Good. Busy. Um, there's a handful of new bookings for tomorrow.," I tell her, knowing she'll be there at some point tomorrow.

   "Great. You going out?" she asks, even though I'm sure it's obvious.

   "Yeah. Just going to hang out with Cohen," I answer anyway.

   She glances across the room where the kids are playing on their tablets, then back to me. "You're being safe, right?"

   "Safe? Mom, I'm just walking down the road-"

   "Teeg, I mean... safe."

   It takes me a minute to realize she means safe sex, and I am confused because it doesn't seem like something she'd ask me about like this. Also, I've never talked to her about sex before. She missed all the early conversations about consent and condoms and birth control. My dad did all of that.

   "I... yeah. Yes," I finally tell her.

   "Okay. Have fun." She seems a little more relaxed. "Oh, tomorrow is Francis' dad's birthday, so we're heading to Santa Maria for the afternoon. I guess I'll see you when we're back?"

   I nod, quickly. "Okay, sounds good."

   Cohen is outside in the front of his yard when I approach. He's sitting on the steps, looking at his phone. He's in jean shorts and a black t-shirt, bare feet.

   "Hey," I say, walking closer to him.

   He grins and looks up at me, not putting his phone away. He looks concerned, slightly, until I get close enough to touch him. He reaches out for me and stands, wrapping his arms around my waist. The way I melt into him, my head on his chest, tells me I know this is what I'm meant to be doing. There's no hesitation between us.

   "Mmm," he says, even though they aren't words. "I'm glad you're here."

   "Yeah?" I ask. "What's the plan?"

   He steps back and looks into my eyes again. I can tell he has to tell me something, so I wait. "I wanted to just chill here with you. But Rex asked if I'd go to this party tonight. I agreed, last night-"

   "When you were mad at me?" I ask, and then smile.

   "I was not mad at you," Cohen says quickly. "I was overwhelmed, remember?"

   "Yeah, yeah," I tease him.

   "Rex says it's going to be smaller. Isaac got freaked out about the near drowning last weekend, so he's going to keep it more chill," Cohen goes on. "I don't know why Rex is so into parties and hanging out with Luke and Isaac right now but... he wants us to go?"

   "Us?" I ask, to confirm I'm invited, too.

   "Yeah. I told him we're good." He pulls me against this body again. "We're good, yeah?"

   "Yeah. I'm not sure about the party, though," I say honestly.

   "You want me to yourself?" Cohen whispers his this crazy sexy voice, right into my ear.

   My stomach tightens and my low region warms up. He knows what this is doing to me and he's enjoying it. I can't seem to form words so he kisses my cheek.

   "We'll just go for a bit. You staying over tonight?"

   I nod and give him my answer before his mouth crashes into mine, his tongue in my mouth right away. I step forward and he steps back and when his back is against the house, his hands come up and pull my body tighter onto his. I forget where we are and that anyone could walk or drive past and see us, as I let go and kiss him with everything I have. I run my hand through the back of his hair and moan into his mouth.

   "Jesus, you two."

   I freeze, even though I know it's just Rex, standing likely at the end of the driveway.

   Cohen keeps his mouth against mine for a second but them pulls away and grins at me before looking down and over at his best friend.

   "Hey, Rex," he shouts before adjusting himself and reaching for my hand.

   "You're coming to the party?" Rex asks, eyes wide.

   "We are," Cohen tells him.

   "Let's go, then."

   I let Cohen lead me down the steps and down the driveway and a minute later the three of us are on our way back down to the pier, towards Isaac's, for the party.  

Don't Say You Love MeNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ