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"Okay listen" I slurred
"I like Severide okay? We get that. But does that mean he has to come walking in with his hot muscles out every day? No it doesn't" they all laughed at me as I laid halfway off the couch

Gabby: "Oh my gosh shes a lightweight"

"No, no. I'm not. But he's hot. And i feel something there- a connection. But how do I know its not one sided?"

Stella: "You can't know for sure"

"Well that's stupid! He never gives anything away!" I sighed
"So maybe he just doesn't like me like that"

"We can all see that he likes you rain"

"Then why can't I see it?"

"Because your worried"

"I'm not worried! Just scared, he's gonna break my heart. He's gonna crush it in his giant muscly ass hand" they all laughed at me

"You don't have to be, you should just tell him"

"Nah, I can't make the first move. I'll die, of embarrassment but I'll die nonetheless"


"Woah, woah" I came walking into the firehouse the next morning

"Are you not hungover?" The girls asked me and I shook my head

"I had a bit of a headache and took an aspirin but I'm fine otherwise"

"You were gone yesterday. I thought you wouldn't even turn up today"

"I think it's because she doesn't usually drink" the girls nodded along

"I'm gonna go to my locker. I'll see you in a minute" I walked off over to my locker when I saw Severide quickly walking past

"Hey" I stopped Severide and his hard face softened once he saw me
"Are you okay?" He looked around and shook his head before walking off, but I could tell he wanted me to follow.

Once we got into his office we stood around in his office

"So whats wrong?"

"this young girl she used to live a bit down from me and quite a long time ago she went missing at the lake house her parents went to. squad got called in and we had to search in the lake for her but we stopped after we had come to the conclusion that it was because the current had taken her body. but I got shown pictures of the girl at the chimney the scene and i remembered the description of the girl having a pendant and the pendant was in the photos. I'm like 99% sure it was her."

"You was close to her?" I asked and he nodded slowly

"She was just a kid. I remember they had a nice house and they would always be doing something with the lawn and planting flowers but after she died it was like the life got sucked out of it. my uncle tried helping with it as much as he could just to put some hope into their lives but it wasn't working so he just gave up. She was a good kid, always played with my little cousins. But her cause of death was found, her neck was snapped" I could tell this was hurting more than what he was letting out. I held my hand out and placed it on his shoulder and he let out a breath.

Whatever it takes - Kelly SeverideWhere stories live. Discover now