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Truck 81, ambulance 61 Man down from and then causes

"Bye mrs Severide!" I heard Capp call out and I rolled my eyes, shoving him before getting out of my seat

I didn't realise that the address was the firehouse until we go outside and saw the person on the floor

We all rushed over and I saw he had a chain wrapped around his head and was bleeding profusely so me Gabby and Jimmy turned him over

"Hey hold still! Hold still! Dawson would you keep his head from moving?"

"easy, easy man. The more you move the worse it gets" Chief directed everyone away that wasn't a firefighter

"what do we got?"

"multiple lacerations maybe some broken bones. We got to get the chain off to see. Help me get it off?" Jimmy asked me

"Yeah let's do it" me and Jimmy started taking the chains off slowly whilst Casey directed us but it opened a giant wound

"Bleeder!" I covered it and put pressure over

"alright here let me pack it. I need a gauze!"

"On three. One, two, three" I lifted my hand up and Jimmy put the gauze on the wound

Once Brett put the IV in we got the backboard over and rolled him into it and into the ambulance

"A new record. Closest call we've had"


Truck 81, squad 3, ambulance 61. Vehicle fire. Jackson and Jessie


We all got out of the truck and went to the car which was surrounded by two men standing there

"Casey get some extinguishers on that. move these people back" chief ordered

"Mouch, Jacob, Dawson get some extinguishes Kidd, Otis, Mouch clear the area" we grab some distinguishes and started trying to put the fire out

"hey Chief I got someone inside" Severide smashed open the window and opened the door from the inside and pulled the guy out

His whole body was on fire and we got to putting out the fire with the extinguishers we was holding

"We got a stab wound on him"

"61, stab wound" we got him Into a backboard and onto the bed for Brett and Jimmy to treat him

Severide POV

We had just gotten into the sunflower suite for Mouch's bachelor party a few hours after shift and although there are loads of half naked girls around me I didn't want anything to do with them

"Yo Severide! Come up, get off the couch man!" I scrunched my face up and shook my head

I don't know why I'm not all over them but all I kept thinking about was rain

"Nah man" I said shaking my head. Cruz sighed and came and sat beside me

"What's up?" I shrugged sipping my drink

"I can't stop thinking about her. It's driving me insane"

"Rain right?" I looked to him confused
"We all know it. The whole firehouse knows it. the only person that doesn't, is rain" I laughed agreeing
"You should tell her man. When did Severide get so nervous?"

Whatever it takes - Kelly SeverideWhere stories live. Discover now