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we pulled up to the burning building and got out of the truck

"Hermann, Jacob. Mask up we're going in" I placed it on my face

"Hey lieutenant! And Jacob's. Can I get a shot for my piece?" we all looked to him confused on how he knew my name
"Yeah i know who you are Jacob's. How's Robert?" I squeezed my eyes shut

"Stand aside. Get out of the way" Chief ordered him away and I sent him a thankful look in return

"Ignore them Jacob. Come on" we carried on putting on our gear

"Kidd, get the rear door"

"On it" she rushed ahead

"Hey!" Hermann shouted and we watched a guy go to run in the building but Stella tackled him down

"All right! Stay out we're going in!" We went inside

"Bobby?" I called showing my flashlight around trying to find the boy

"81, come on out. We've confirmed that there are no more victims inside. 51, back that line out, we're gonna fight it from the outside" chief said through the radio

"Copy that Chief. Turn it around" we moved and turned heading in the other direction but we heard something

"Do you hear that?" Casey asked me and I nodded. We went back a bit and opened a cloth to see a cat

"Let me guess? Bobby?"

"He's not gonna answer you, dummy. He's a cat" Casey glared at me and picked up the cat but I heard the building come down

"We need to go quick" I nodded and he led the way out of the building and outside where everyone was waiting


"A cat?" I groaned as we walked back inside the firehouse. We all took out seats
"No way. I went inside for a cat. A dog? Sure. A cat? No way"

"What do you have against cats?" stella asked

"Ew. They're just. They're cats. If Casey didn't pick that thing up, I wouldn't have. However I would've happily carried a dog to safety"

Hermann: "Hey. What did cats ever do to you?" I raised my eyebrows and lifted up my sleeve showing a scar on my arm

"Brett, Stella, Dawson you see that?" I said pointing to it
"It was a cat. A vicious little thing. I hate them"

"Well we can't see anything" i rolled my eyes and turned to Severide

"Severide, you see that right?" He looked at my arm then back to me before shaking his head

"There's nothing there"

"There totally is" he shook his head again and I grabbed the paper he was reading and shoved it in his face
"There is something there, and that's that" I said and walked off. Severide followed me laughing

"I totally see it" he said just loud enough so I could hear.

I gasped turning to them

"Tell me you heard that?" They shook their heads and I glared at him
"Ha ha. It's fine. Because I know you can see it. And that's that. They know it too, but they just don't want to admit it"


"Totally. And you can think whatever you want" he raised his eyebrows in mockery and I grabbed a pillow before throwing it at him
"Your evil" I said walking away and Severide went back to the main room

Casey's POV

"Again with the laptop?" I sighed. I watched as Severide came back into the room and sat down opening back up his paper

Whatever it takes - Kelly SeverideWhere stories live. Discover now