(Sneak Peek #1 ) The Fight / The artifacts

Start from the beginning

Branch: Uh, thanks.

Arianna: No problemo. So, how long you guys dated?

Branch: We're like... (Counting his fingers) 2 months I think.

Arianna: (Dramatically Gasps) You guys been dated for 2 months!?! (Smiles) I can feel your love is getting strong than I thought. In my decision, why not Branch should be the new King of Pop trolls?

Poppy: (Gasps) That would be perfect! Branchie will be the new king of Pop trolls and then we lived happily ever...!

Arianna: After!

Both: (Squeals like High School girls)

Dakota: (Sleepy howls then snores)

Branch: M-Me? A new king of Pop? Pffft, there's no way I'm doing this. Isn't it?

Poppy: Also, I noticed something wrong with Trollzart and Barb during our journey, Is there any problem with them?

Arianna: Perhaps, I should say... Hmmm.... (Realized) Oooohhh~! Mm-hmmm! I think something lovey dovey going on here.

Poppy: What is it?

Arianna: (Winks) It's a secret. You know, hehehehe.

Branch: Huh.

She laughs mischievously as she continue to read the mysterious book that Cheska bought it recently. Poppy and Branch went over her shoulders as they look over to the book, but Arianna sense them.

Arianna: I know you guys are looking at this book.

Poppy: Oh right.

They walk towards her and face towards her.

Branch: What are you reading?

Arianna: It's about.... A tale of our ancestral trolls, when they were still harmony, and--- (Gasps)

Poppy: What is it?

Arianna: Look! Guys, come quickly!

Not wanting to wake up the others. Trollzart, Trollex, King Quincy, Queen Essence and King Nathan. Prince D and Barb got back from the room, Darnell drank a glass of water then he heard Arianna's calls as he went over her and Barb, who finish for being ✨f l u s t e r e d✨ as she heard Arianna's voice and quickly went over her. Val also here as well.

Prince D: 'Sup!

Barb: What's with all those calls about?

Branch: Just calling, Barbie.

Barb: (Scoffs) Whatever!

Nathan: Hmm, what's with that book about, Ari? Did you... found this at the library of yours?

Arianna: Nope. Just found that from Cheska's bag after I woke up from my nap.

Val: Are those our Ancestors? Playing with their new toys?

Arianna: Yes. It seemed, they were something battle to someone.

All sans Arianna: Huh?

Poppy: Look! There's a letter behind the page.

Arianna: Okay.

She turned the next page as the leaders, Prince D and Val are surprised, as Arianna read the page.

Long ago, when the 12 trolls are still harmony, they sing and dance together to bring Music, Harmony and Light. They still created their people and follow their leads of their duties. Once they were lived peacefully, however, they were being disturbed by an eerie sound coming from the distance. Until, they revealed to be a terrifying, dark and demonic creatures, the trolls were screaming and scared of this dangerous creatures. Sometimes they hide, sometimes they die and sometimes they got corrupted.

Trolls: (Dramatically Gasps) OH MY GOD!




They were scared, lost and losing hope. Seeing those vengeful creatures attacking their people and their home, including music. Fortunately, there was still light and hope, the 12 Ancestral trolls prayed their god to give some any answers to save their people from this great danger. The god respond, they said, they shall create a weapon so that they will granted a power to protect themselves. They do so as the created a weapon that we all know today.




After forging their first artifacts, they come across from the dreadful creatures from the shadow, they begin to charge at them but they fight back, one of the troll encourage the elders that they shall fight back for their people, home and music. They do so as they battle the creatures of the shadows together, now they banished them forever as their trolls hailed them as a heroes. They decided to keep their new Artifacts as their Ancestral weapons.

Poppy: Woah! Our Ancestors did not found the Artifacts. They just... created it, for life saving.

Branch: Wait? Since when? When did you think that our Ancestors found the Artifacts?

Poppy: Well, just mind thing.

Branch: Seriously.

Arianna: That's what she said.

Nathan: Seriously.

Poppy: Okay, so the next page is---


All: (Yelps)

The Air ship stopped from the location as the others woke up from their slumber.

Others: (Yawns)

Daniel & Damian: We want a Pony.

Sam: (Groans as he fixing his messy hair) Uuuugggghhhh! What's with all that noise?

Stella: Papa? Are we being hit?

Sam: Nothing, Sweetie. Everything will be fine. (To Zach, Damian & Daniel) Champs, are you all right in there?

Zach: (Yawns) Yeah.

Damian & Daniel: Yes, Daddy.

Arnulfo: (Groans) Ano bang ngayon? Anong bang nangyayari dito? Bakit kami naghintu? (What now? What's going on here? why did we stop?)

Cheska: (Yawns) Andito ba tayo sa lokasyon nina Blaire? (Are we at Blaire's location?)

Adrian: Are we there yet?

Edrick: (Yawns) Can't wait to ripped their bones if we entered her place? My fists are hungry for justice.

Matt: And waiting for Blaire of course.

Lownote: (Comes out) Guys, I hate to interrupt but, you guys should see this.

They all looking at each other and murmured as the leaders went inside the Pilot room where their eyes went widen, their jaws are dropped when they see dangerous place to face Blaire to save the Trollstopia.

Stay tuned.

A/N: Be patient, guys. I was having some ideas about this book in their next plot. Also, stay tuned of the continuation of this book once it was complete.

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