9: Bumbletron

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sorry for the wait. here is your chapter. recently got some bad whiplash. only thing i can do is mess around on the computer and write chapters.

(three hours later) frick i fell asleep while typing.

":A Cybertronian language or Bumblebee.:"

"-Voice recording or video-"

"Normal talking. AND SHOUTING! OR EMPHASIS."



/Communications or phone/

//email or text "code words"//

(Quick note or comment from author.)

*Scene change*

=sound effect or noise=

"~Flirt or fancy~"


Today was a slow day. Vim was feeling bored. It has been a while since they visited the Autobots. Why not do that.

WAIT! They have to finish this patrol first.

Vim sighs, they fly around the dark rocks on the island near their base.

Rocks, rocks, a shrub, more rocks, Bumblebee, rocks. Wait, an Autobot. Might as well give him some of the experimental blueberry/caffeine energon, Awake-En. >:)

Vim starts to crab walk on all fours at high speeds towards Bumblebee. Vim made some clicking noises as they got closer. Bumblebee turns around, glaring at the Helicon(helicopter vehicon) with red eyes.

Vim does a 360 degree spine rotation. "Holy organic manhood. Lord Megatron, how are you doing?" Vim bows to the scout with a warlord controlling him. "May I call you Bumbletron until you return to your frame?"

Bumbletron looks suprised at Vim. ":You can do what you wish as long as you return me to my frame.:"

Vim pumps their fist in victory. "Alright Lord Bumbletron. Let me mine some dark energon for you right away. While you wait conveniently in someone else's frame, will you like to sample this new type of experimental energon? Thanks"

Vim places down a cube of magenta colored liquid before sprinting to the center of the island. Bumbletron stood there and looked at the cube in suspicion. The renecon leader runs up to Bumbletron from the opposite direction they ran. Vim offered Bumbletron a cube of processed dark energon, a smaller cube of powdered dark energon and a big energon crystal.

"Not sure how you prefer your dark energon, so I made the three types. Liquid, drugs and raw." Vim grins. "I will take care of the Awak-En for you."

Bumbletron gave them a weird look before grabbing the raw energon. Vim shoved the rest into their subspace. They pick up the magenta cube and chug it like a beast. Vim started vibrating like a sugar rushed toddler. They put Bumbletron on his shoulders and teleports into the Autobot base.

*Autobot base a few seconds ago.*

"Maybe we should call Optimus Prime." Raf said in a worried tone.

"Optimus is busy preventing the polar icecaps from melting." Ratchet types at his computer. "We are on our own."

Ratchet was about to activate the ground bridge. Then Vim appeared with Bumbletron on their shoulders. Vim is still shaking.

Ratchet jumps back in fear. "SLAG!"

Raf gives him a confused look(remember this okay.)

The trio of bots and the human looked at each other in awkward silence for a while. Bumbletron had enough of it. ":Get is to the Nemisis.:"

Vim looks at the floor. "I DON NO WER EH ITH!"

Bumbletron face palms, smacks the back of Vim's head and climbs off their shoulders. The Scout punches Ratchet in the face. Raf tries to reach Bumblebee using words, it was not effective. Bumbletron types the coordinates on the ground bridge. Raf kept bothering him so Bumbletron put him on a ledge. The Decepticons run thru the ground bridge.

*on the Nemisis*

SS1 and SS2 were on patrol duty with about thee other cons. The twin Vehicons were casually talking until Bumbletron socks them in the face.

Vim does a backflip. "Sorry about that twins." they drag the unconscious cons to the sides of the halls. Vim jogs to catch up to Bumbletron.

A few seconds later, Ratchet peeks into the room. The still fighting Vim was activating the computer for the cortal patch. Ratchet rushes to attack Bumbletron only to get sent to the wall. Vim pinned down Ratchet while Raf reached Bumblebee for a second. the second was not enough and Bumbletron tosses Raf away. Ratchet shoves Vim off of himself in anger. Ratchet pulled the plug on Megatron. Bumbletron started to attack Ratchet. Vim throws Ratchet off of Bumbletron and pins him down again.

Raf gets up. "Bumblebee." Raf flinches as he watched his guardian grip the dark energon.

Megatron's voice echoed from Bumblebee's vocal. "Bumblebee can't hear you anymore."

Raf glares at Bumbletron. "As much as I want you to leave Bumblebee's body, I cant let you get to your own!"

The twelve year old boy jumps onto the cortal physic patch connected to Bumbletron in a futile attempt to remove it. Bumbletron shook the child off. He approached Megatron with the dark energon above his head. He stabs it into the warlord's chest in a swift motion. The energon glowed. Megatron opened his optics. Ratchet stared in horror. Raf was frozen in place. Bumblebee slowly turned around to face Megatron. Vim was twitching as if they are having a seizure. A patrol of vehicons came into the room, but they paused as they gazed upon their master.

Megatron stood in place. "Decepticons! Your rightful lord and master has returned!" He walks forward. "Finnish these pests! I have my own extermination to preform." Megatron walks out of the room.

Vim shoots up from their overpower glitch. "WOOOOO!" Vim runs around the room before dashing out of sight.

*one random time skip of Vim running around with Super Mario power up music playing later.*

Vim is in a bit of a pickle. They had a cybertronian version of a sugar crash. The best/worst part about it is that Vim is unconscious in the Autobot base rafters. They were like this for five hours. For some reason, the time they regained consciousness was immediately after the heart-felt moment between Bumblebee and Raf. The first thing they do is accidentally fall down, landing right behind to the scout and his charge. For the icing on the cake, Vim's optics are still a purple-ish color from the Awak-En. To the Autobots, Vim looked like they were high on dark energon.

Vim clumsily gets up. "I swear, I am not overcharged on dark energon. my new mixture has a bad effect on me since i am already overloading with energy." Vim starts to do random dances while 'the chicken wing beat'(good song?) is blasting from their speakers.


yep. that is a point to end off on. i feel like this chapter is longer then the ones i usually do. then again it is 2:32, i could just be going crazy.

Recently, the stories i am working on got popular. so i just want to thank you all. please vote and comment some ideas. the ideas really do help no matter how stupid they might seem. trust me, i witness dumber things on a daily basis.

Tip, put an ice pack or bag of ice in a towel before using direct contact. humans can get frost bite from direct contact with ice.

Till next week! :)

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