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8:52 pm

After reaching its destination, we had to get off the bus. We went inside the mall and called my parents to come pick us up.

"So. . .what now?" Russell, my boyfriend, asked me. Can't you believe that? I couldn't believe it either.

"I'm going to take you to my parents," I announced confidently. "After that, I don't know."

"You literally just told them right now to pick you up," he said. "Couldn't you have just. . .told them while we were in the bus?"

"We were having a cool conversation!" I protested. "I didn't want to interrupt that with some lame call to my dad."

He raised his hands in surrender. "Okay, I give up. But. . ." He looked around. "now we just have some time to kill."

"We can still do the stuff we haven't done," I replied, with a mischievous glint in my eye.

I took his hand. "Come on."


We walked hastily, as if we were going somewhere, but we stopped at the bookstore.

"Have you ever been to one before?" I asked him as we entered the store.

He shook his head. Typical.

Ahead of the entrance, we were greeted by a table of bestselling books. A copy of each book was made to stand upright to showcase the covers.

One of them piqued my interest so I walked closer and grabbed the book to read the title.

"The Book of Life: An Anthology by Deidre Clayton. . ." I muttered. On the cover there were badges of honor: reviews from popular critics and authors, a Pulitzer prize badge, and the usual New York Times #1 Bestseller.

I turned to the back and skimmed through the blurb. Thank God for a blurb on the back; if it were only reviews, he would've put it down without hesitation.

"Can I see?" Russell asked timidly.

"Yeah, sure," I replied, giving him the copy.

I wandered around the bookstore while he slowly read the cover of the book. My eyes darted past colorful covers and. . .their interesting artistic choices. (I'm looking at you, weird romance books with abs on the cover, I thought.)

Russell caught up to me minutes later, with a now-opened Book of Life.

"You're not supposed to rip off the plastic cover!" I hissed, making some people perusing the textbooks aisle look at us.

"Really?" he asked quizzically. He lifted the book. "It has a good first story."

"What's it about?" I asked, genuinely interested this time. I wanted to know, but I wasn't going to open the book.

"It's a different version of Death-Cast called Life-Cast, which tells you who the person dying is going to be reincarnated into."

"That's. . .nice to hear."

"Do you believe in an afterlife now?"

I paused. "I believe in Life-Cast. I believe in reincarnation. Because I want to meet you, over and over and over and over again."


9:19 pm

We were holding hands as we rode the escalator up to the highest floor of the mall. On my free hand was the copy of The Book of Life.

They Know The Endजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें