Part 3: Know The End

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No, I'm not afraid to disappear
The billboard said, "The End is Near"
I turned around, there was nothing there
Yeah, I guess the end is here

- Phoebe Bridgers, I Know The End


We should be afraid of death. It's everywhere, probing your thoughts, stealing other lives without consideration. It's another force of nature that is both cruel and unfeeling.

It takes you based on how you were born: naive, weak, and naked. One second, you're alive, and the next, everything you strived for, everything you dreamed of doing, everything you attained. . .it all loses its meaning the moment death strikes.

I think we're too cautiously optimistic when we say that we should just live with the fact that the we die. Should we live with the fact that everything becomes meaningless afterwards? Should we try to be happy, knowing that in death, there is no meaning to happiness. Or pain. Or sorrow. Or fear. Or hatred. Or love.

To me, death is an obstacle. And as humans, we can overcome it. 

- ???


As Deckers continue to spend their day, the thought of the matter lingers in their minds. With each passing hour of them living, the odds of them dying increase. Many do numerous activities to ease their transition out of the mortal world, or to soothe the trauma that comes with knowing that they will die.

Some die early in the morning, unable to make the most of their day. Some die late at night, waiting for the darkness to take them. But the paranoia and fear are always present in every Decker--it's up to them if they want to make the most of their day with it.

How you die barely matters anymore--you just die. On the other hand, what you did in your life is worth mentioning.

I feel grateful for the Deckers who spent their day doing what they loved or wanted to do in a long time. But on the other hand, I feel sad for those who didn't even make it past the first hour, and those who are incapitated in their beds, and those who don't have the resources to pursue what they dreamed about in a single day.

If you happen to be a Decker reading this, my heartfelt wishes go to you. Human life is a precious thing, and you must make the most of your day. But if you can't, I hope that you lived a meaningful life.

And if you didn't, remember this: there will always be at least one person who will feel sad for you. You've made an impact in someone's life, no matter how much time you spent in this world. Your life is your own; you won't be forgotten.

I hope that this will, at least, make you breathe a little easier.

- anonymous, CountDowners

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