"What are we doing?" I ask.

"I can't tell you that, I'll probably get in trouble for it."

I laugh at that, "I'll be back in time for training, I need a break. Bye Mav."

"Bye Avalanche." He says, and walks away.

I walk towards the locker room, hoping to get some peace and quiet until I hear my phone vibrating in my locker.

I opened it, and it was a caller not in my contacts. Usually I don't answer these, but I had a feeling I should.

I pressed the green button.

"Hey is this Zoe?" A deep, male voice asked.

"Who is this?" I asked, because the voice sounded so familiar, it was on the tip of my tongue.

"It's Hangm— Jake. It's Jake." He says nervously. When was Hangman ever nervous?

"How did you get my number?" I asked, a little confused.

He mumbled something, and I couldn't hear it.

"What?" I asked.

"She asked me not to tell you." He said.

"It was Phoenix wasn't it."

"No." He lied.

"Jake, Phoenix the only she in on our detachment who has my number."

Hangman sighed, "She's going to kill me, isn't she?"

"What she doesn't know, won't kill her." I joke.

"That's true. Do you want a ride to base this morning?"

We hadn't talked since our make out session last night.


Hangman strides over, grabbing my face in his large hands. He guides it to his own face, smashing his lips on mine.

For a moment, I'm frozen.

I've always been in control, but this is brand new territory. I've been kissed before, but never, ever like this.

He kisses me feverishly, like I'm whiskey and he's a stumbling alcoholic.

And I kiss him back like my life depended on it.

Our mouths moved frantically against each other, fighting for control.

Jake's hands leave my face, and wrap around my waist, pulling me closer to him.

It takes everything in me not to moan right at that instant.

Hangman breaks the kiss first, breathing in deeply, but his lips don't leave my skin.

I must taste horrible after flying and push-ups, even if I did take a quick shower.

His lips ghost over the skin of my neck, and I tip my head back so he has better access.

Hangman slowly, painstakingly places a kiss on my jawline and I gasp softly. He smiles, and then places more along my jawline and down my neck.

"Jake..." I say, and at the sound of his own name, his eyes widen in alarm, and he jumps back.

I'm not going to lie, that hurt a little bit. Did he not want this? Was I that bad of a kisser?

"I'm sorry Zoe. That's not the way I planned it. I was going to wait a couple of days so you wouldn't be mad at me anymore and ask you out on a date." He reveals.

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