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"Father please you cant possibly belive this!"


Fathers voice thunders throughout the throne room causing the servants to shiver in fear. This is ridiculous, a mortal shows up out of no wear and claims I tried to take over earth with aliens absolutely ridiculous how can father really be believing this nonsense.

"Loki you have disappointed me 'son' I have no choice but to strip you of your godly powers and banish you to midgard where you shall be locked up, Guards Hold Him"

I attempted to teleport away only to be roughly shoved into the ground by the overgrown oafs father calls his guards.


I pleaded with him but all I got from him was his cold glaring eye meeting mine.

"Henceforth you are banished"

I felt my power leave my body at once as father grins with my green magic dancing at his finger tips. Then everything turned black.


-3rd Person-

The fallen God's eyes snapped open as he sat up right with haste looking around finding himself on a grassy plane.

Looking down at his delicate and smooth hands with furrowed brows questions flying through his head at the speed of sound he speaks.

"Who...am I" the fallen god asked himself searching for answers in his head only for a sharp pain to erupt in his skull making him double over on himself.

Soft steps are heard going towards the man and stop infront of him and kneel.
The hand of the stranger moves towards him and with a green shimmer the pain goes away.

Looking up they catch the face of a women with blond hair and soft features on their face.

"Brother here you are i have been looking for you"

"I'm sorry but I dont seem to recall anything...could you tell me my name" he looks up at their eyes with hope in their eyes

"Of course your name is loki Laufeyson you are my brother and I'm your sister sylvie now c'mon let's get back to the camp"

Loki stood up rather sloppily but regained his footing and followed sylvie into a forest that held a camp with soldiers.

"Sister if I may ask who are these people and why do we live in the woods?"

"Loki these are family our family and we live away from others because......we can"

Loki looked at his newly appointed sister with doubt in his eye he knew she was lying but how he didnt know. Entering the camp his curiosity peaked when he noticed the weapon they welded.

Loki pointed to the weapons "can you teach me how to use that?"

Sylvie looked at loki and smiled sadly "sure loki but let's get some rest today"

Loki nodded he was tired but he didnt know why so he followed sylvie to the beds and layed down and closed his eyes drifting off to sleep.


"Sir we cant hold the virus from escaping for long what should we do"

Sighing I thought of what we could do "get me nick fury on the line" gritting my teeth.

A hologram popped off not to far off from me "you called"

Scowling at the one eyed man in front of me I pushed a button "Hell is about to fall on earth director I suggest you get ready"

Fury glared at me "what is that supposed to mean"

"Their is a virus we found while looking for our pilot and then we found them the pilot I mean they were disfigured turns out the virus makes you lose sight of your humanity and disfigures you. We cant contain it anymore it's up to you" before fury could respond an alarm started to sound throughout the base.

"This is goodbye fury!" The doors behind us started to get smashed at denting them.

"Dr how many and what types have escaped"

"10 specimens all stage 1s"

Groaning I tried to think on the bright side the chance of it getting worse are slim....I hope "Ignite the self destruct now! We cannot have these abominations run free!"

The Dr nodded and pressed a red button causing the base to get locked down. The door was still getting banged on until it gave way and a creature showed up.

 The door was still getting banged on until it gave way and a creature showed up

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The soldiers in the room raised their rifles and fired but it did nothing as the creature moved through the room killing everyone until it reached me. Picking me up by my throat and growling at me.

"Heh what is it you bastard you thing you've won dont make me laugh you will be incinerated with all your little friends"

It looked at me in my eyes before it unhinged its jaw and slowly raised my head to it as I tried to fight it but before it bit my head off the sounds of explosions could be heard followed by extreme heat encasing both of us.


Dont @ me everything will be explained with time people so enjoy luvs💚

Rotten World (Loki Mcu Book)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora