★Friendship and Dreams★

Start from the beginning

I didn't respond. Obviously, it's because you're the only one who keeps attacking me while Dio is in hiding, his stand can't reach us all the way from Egypt!

I only replied with a menacing laugh, "If you're so smart how about you figure it out yourself? I'm done doing your dirty work against my own free will, just try to use your stand on me again when I fall asleep later. I dare you."

She remained silent for a few moments and then fell into a fit of hysterical laughter. What the heck is her problem?!

Wiping away the tears from laughing she turned to me for the last time and said something before my world began turning back to light, an indication that I was waking up.

"We'll see about that, you have no idea what's coming for you." She grinned at me as she finally disappeared from view.

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Struggling to open my eyes, I did my best to force them open, I was too tired to even think. Seems like the wounds that I got were pretty bad...why the heck did Amelia even force me to do this? Seems self-destructive if she wanted me to have a fair fight with everyone else.

There was a comfy bed under me which was good, my arms and legs were wrapped tightly with a bandage, also good. I turned my gaze to the side slightly to see a familiar boy tightly gripping my hand, the warmth of his hand slightly pleasant.

"Hey, Noriaki." I smiled and his face gasped in astonishment at seeing me awake. He let go of my hand and then called for Jojo who was in the bathroom for a moment.

"How are you feeling?" Noriaki asked comfortingly as I slightly winced from touching my burned legs. Seems like the explosion from the bombs burned them pretty good.

"I'm fine, for the most part. But, tell me..." I pointed at his bandaged hands, "Tell me I didn't hurt you guys too bad."

"We're okay," Jotaro reassured me as he came out of the bathroom, "You should worry about yourself, your little frenzy only managed to hurt you pretty bad."

"Jojo!" Noriaki hit his shoulder at the last part. He didn't want to remind me of what happened so I could rest a little easy at least for a moment.

I only buried my face in my hands, threatening to spill tears. "I'm sorry. I never truly meant to hurt you guys, I'm...sorry." Was the only thing I could mutter, as Jotaro sat right beside me.

"For what? We understand it was a stand attack, you have nothing to be sorry about." He put a hand on my shoulder to comfort me.

"Where's Polnareff and Joseph?" I questioned as I scanned the room, but they were nowhere to be seen.

"We checked out a hotel only hours before you were out, they're sharing a room next door, I'll go get them." He smiled and walked out the door quickly.

I gave a heavy sigh before I turned to Jotaro and with a slight grin I asked him, "Did you kick Dan's ass for all of us?" 

He gave a grin back in return saying, "Of course, added a tip as well. Guess karma told him payback bitch."

I tried my best to sit up straight as much as I could without my arms and legs getting to me, and cupped Jotaro's face with my hands telling him, "They didn't beat you too bad did they? Tell me I didn't hurt you too bad as well. I really tried my best, I'm sorry I couldn't do more."

He gripped my hands tightly and then pulled them back down from his face, still holding onto my hands. He looked...sad? Maybe even a little bit angry. But all he did was look into my eyes and mutter, "I could say the same for you, why did you hurt yourself so much to protect me back there? And even though a stand attack was controlling you, you were still that same calm and funny girl that I love inside, the bracelet is proof of that."

I blushed a tiny bit on that love part but I was confused..."Jojo, I don't remember much about what happened, what about the bracelet?"

He clutched his right hand slightly where the bracelet was but could only chuckle, "It's nothing...just a little weird, it's just a dumbass bracelet but it's like a lucky charm to me now. Anyways, guess I'm gonna have to pay you back next time for saving me from those three men, I...I don't want you getting hurt like that again."

And as soon as Jotaro finished his sentence, Noriaki walked in with Polnareff and Joseph running right behind them.

"Y/N!" Polnareff shouted like an excited little toddler and jumped on the bed with me, giving me a hug so tight that I could barely breathe.

"Polnareff," I chuckled "I'm fine now, you feeling alright?"

He gave a big nod and ruffled my hair, as everyone else slightly giggled at Polnareff's antics.

Joseph, feeling that the momentum was now right, crossed his arms and began to question me saying, "I hate bringing this up, but I want to know, what happened back there?"

"Yea did our power of friendship save you?!" Polnareff added earning a grumble from Jotaro who told him to "Shut up, and let her speak."

"Basically," I began to explain, "Amelia's stand, Pipe Dreams has an extremely massive range which allows it to control their victims using their main ability, sleepwalk."

"Ohhh," Joseph gasped in realization "Makes sense why you were talking about killing the Joestars and everybody else."

"Yea..." I became slightly flustered, "That's because Dio and Amelia want to kill us all, you know I'd never actually say that stuff, but anyways. I figured out how to wake up from her nightmare dream world so she won't control me or any of you."

"What is it?" Noriaki asked with curiosity and I replied, "Strangely, sleeping. again. Those wounds I received caused me to stop attacking you guys because I lost consciousness. Either Amelia willingly lets you go, or somebody has to knock you out for you to come back."

I then gave a slight cough and added, "She was stupid enough to explain all of her abilities because she truly believed that me and all of you were going to die today. Although she did mention pulling some cheap trick at the end...but never mind that! Because her range is so massive her powers have drawbacks as well, such as her only being able to control one person. But now we know how to fight her, so she should be of no concern to us now."

"That's good." Joseph sighed with relief, "Is that all?"

I shook my head immediately, "Listen I think I figured out a little bit about Dio's stand..." I muttered which led to everyone whipping their heads around, eyes wider than saucers, and shout,


Good grief, now I have to re-explain this whole thing over again... 

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A/N: Hey guys my summer has been pretty hectic and stressful for some reason so I may have to change my upload schedule a bit. Instead of posting every day, I'll post every two days. This will help me out greatly with making the chapters longer and high quality so I have a little more time and so you guys can enjoy them as well. I hope that's alright! :)

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