Chapter 5.

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I don't like—I never like this kind of situation. This kind of situation when Jake and I have arguments, it feels like the situation is going to be more tense and stressful. I would never want to disappoint him or even break the promise that I have made; going to Duskwood. But this is different case.


JAKE: We must talk about Michael's demand.

MC: Well then, let's talk

JAKE: Well. I can only see one plausible explanation for Michael's demand.

JAKE: He wants to somehow complete his plan in this way.

JAKE: But I have no clue what your role is in all of this.

Until now, I also have no idea what kind of role I'm playing in this case at all. I never knew Hannah and somehow, among every human in this world, she sent my number. Is it coincidence?

MC: He told me about the Ironsplinter Mine of his own accord, Jake

MC: It's kind of crazy but I think he trusts me

JAKE: At least that is what he wants you to believe.

MC: Michael said nobody would get hurt

JAKE: I do not think you can believe him.

MC: As you can read, the others expect me to go..


JAKE: Nobody could expect such a huge sacrifice from you.

JAKE: Thomas may have got carried away by the current events.

JAKE: And I think he is not aware of the consequences this decision would encompass.

Nobody could expect such a huge sacrifice from you, he said. But you asked me to walk with you, in this dangerous path, until the end. I know what I'm about to say next will break our promise, will hurt his heart. But I already made my decision. It looks like this is the role that only made for me.

MC: I'm sorry to not talk about this with you earlier but I've made my decision already

MC: I'm going to Duskwood


JAKE: Please listen to me.

JAKE: I cannot say why Michael has made this offer all of a sudden.

JAKE: But I can say with certainty that is merely a trap.

MC: And what if I can really end it all?

JAKE: You will not.

JAKE: I can understand that you want to help Hannah and Richy.

JAKE: But this is not the right way.

Then what is the right way, Jake? The only police we trust didn't do the job really well. The group is having their own difficulty to leave the hut since the cars tampered. And I.. I can't risk your safety, not when you are playing cat and mouse with your pursuers. I bite inside of my cheeks, trying to hold myself for not sobbing hard. After all, I'm still in the airport. Even if there are not many people here right now, but I don't want people pity about me because there is this crazy young lady sitting with so much tears in her eyes. It's just like cliché scene on those stupid romantic movies when the truth right now there is not romance here at all.

I'm looking up as I try to suck in all of my tears and sniffle, I wipe my cheeks which is really wet because of my tears with my jacket sleeve.

MC: He turned to me

MC: That has to mean something

MC: I'll get them both back

MC: I can do it!

JAKE: I cannot allow you to put yourself in danger.

He said it again. He said the same words like when I suggested talking with Alan. The words that stab my heart so deep and it feels like my world will collapse because how he always protect me but I disappoint him.

MC: Jake..

MC: We have to see this as an opportunity!

MC: This nightmare will finally come to an end

And you will finally get Hannah back, your family will finally complete. And Jessy, she will meet Richy back, also Thomas who pushed me so hard to meet Michael's demand and the rest of the group really. And no one fall more tears, no one will lose hope anymore. I really want to say that but my fingers are not strong enough to type and tell him even more. Somehow, I'm not that brave to let it out those unsaid things.

JAKE: It is far too risky!

JAKE: There is no way Michael will keep his word.

Even though I have courage to meet Michael, but to be completely honest, inside me, I'm scared as hell. I really want to turn my back and leave all of this. You probably hate me because it feels like I'm having two-face right now but.. some part of me wishing for running away from this mess, some of it wishing Jake will come and rescue me, some part of me wishing Jake will be there to help if anything happens. But the majority that take control over myself right now is the part that is scared to have responsibility over someone's death, scared to be haunted with this long nightmare. It's like what Hannah and Amy's feeling toward Jennifer; the guilt that haunts the rest of their lives.

MC: You always said I'd become important

JAKE: You always have been.

MC: You asked me to take this path with you until the end

MC: Today I'm the one asking you to do the same

MC: Please don't make this hard than it already is


JAKE: I can't lose you.

JAKE: You're all

JAKE: All that matters.

I'm hugging my knees after reading the message Jake have sent, letting myself to quietly sobbing. He said I'm all that matters, he said he can't lose me. I know both of us have mutual feelings toward each other, even though we never say some direct things like 'I love you' or stuff, but I realised we deeply care about each other. And after Lilly's video incident, Jake is showing his feeling more than before toward me. But tonight, his message still surprises me. Those words send some stings toward my chest, I have no clue how and I have no clue why but it hurts more than ever.

MC: I'm sorry..


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