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It was a week now since Harry had gained consciousness,Cedric came by and visited him along with his parents and they thanked Harry for saving Cedric and also wished him a speedy recovery.

Harry was getting frustrated by being on the hospital bed the whole day,the summer vacation had started so the castle was all empty except for the staff and the Potters who had been given a quarter by Albus for their stay till Harry recovers.

"I can walk now,I don't feel weak now,atleast I can have a walk?"Harry asked Madma Pompfrey who glared at him.

"You need bed rest"Pompfrey said.

Harry huffed in anger and also glared at the school nurse.

"She is just taking care of you,show some gratitude"James said who sat beside Harry's bed with Lily and Hayden,Hadrian was again out with Hagrid.

"Well I didn't asked her to,nor did I asked you all to be here"Harry snapped at them.

"You will talk to us with respect"James said.

"Well guess what?I won't talk to you at all then"Harry retorted in the same tone.

"You are far too arrogant that's why you can't see our kindness towards you Harry"Hayden said this time getting angry at his elder brother's idiocy.

"You shut up and don't talk to me at all,you may leave I never asked for you all to show me any kindness,I have been doing fine all these years without it and I am sure I will be fine in future as well,just two more years and I will be off age and will never have to see you all again"Harry snapped at him.

"You are looking forward to move out?Why?"Lily asked.

"As if you don't know?"Harry retorted.

"Harry I know we made mistakes in the past but we are trying to correct it, please give us a chance"Lily said.

"No,i won't"Harry said stubbornly.


"I am tired let me sleep"Harry said and closed his eyes and turned his face away.

Very stealthily Harry made his way out of the hospital wing when everyone was out in the great hall for lunch and Madam Pompfrey had left him to go fetch lunch.

As soon as Pompfrey left Harry made his way out and carefully went towards the school broom closet and picked a best looking broom from it and literally ran towards the quidditch pitch with his fractured ankle.

He kept the broom between his legs and with a kick he was in the air,as the cool air touched his body and flew his chin length black hairs with it,Harry sighed in relief,it was like breathing again when he was on a broom,he screamed with joy as he went high and high in the air.Unkown to the world, Harry had always found comfort in flying, whenever he was upset,happy,low,bored he would just fly,it was like a remedy to all his ailments.

He went up higher and higher in the sky getting refresh after the days he spent locked up in the hospital wing confined to the bed.

"Harry James Potter you better come down right this instant"Said a loud angry feminine voice and Harry zoomed a lil lower and saw his mother,father,Hayden, Hermione, Macgonall,Snape,Mrs.Snape, Dumbeldore, Hagrid, Hadrian and an angry looking Poppy glaring at him from the ground.

He didn't said anything and quietly came down on the ground and stood infront of them,he had his fill of excitement for the day.

"You are in a lot of trouble Mr.Potter,you were to not leave the hospital bed,still you disobeyed me and left"Pompfrey said glaring at Harry.

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