She'd never felt so screwed.

Chrysanthos Thales was powerful. While he was not a god, many humans had once believed the Green Man to be a deity. There were probably still a few who did.

Like Santa, the Green Man was an inherited title, and this particular line of magic always passed to the eldest son. Magic was a fickle beast and could one day decide to throw their world into a tailspin by giving the title to another descendent. It would do what it wanted, and no one could change that. But for now, it seemed content on sticking to the eldest son becoming the Green Man, biding its time until it suddenly decided to choose the youngest daughter.

Their driver said the Green Man would see them inside, and that was their indication to start walking.

They climbed the steps laden in chartreuse-colored moss, acting as a cushion for their joints against the large steps. Once at the top, they passed between the columns and through the stoa, where two iron doors, easily the height of three, barred them from entering. In row after row, the iron depicted the Green Man's face that sprouted leaves and branches. Was the iron a warning to Fae? Being a Nymph, the Green Man was Elf. Iron affected neither Elf nor Fae, but humans had often believed it would ward against Fae. Chrysanthos's exact feelings regarding Fae were not well known, but even if they were negative, he wouldn't try anything against the Tooth Fairy's son and heir, right?

Ata, she swore under her breath as the doors inched open with a groan. The next Tooth Fairy. There hadn't been time to think about what that meant, and to picture Cassian in the role was impossible. He'd be a full member of a court, possessing the power and fame that came with that position. He'd be the beloved figure children around the world waited on to rewarded them for their fallen teeth. No. Definitely not. Her brain would not accept that picture. She hadn't even seen his wings.

Through the doors the hallway beyond was bathed in an amber glow. Ethereal music from what sounded like a harp drifted toward them. She couldn't name the other instruments that floated in that mix of chords and strums. The music sounded—felt as if it were sung by the very air she breathed.

Together they walked inside. Two Elven men stood guard at the doors, their nostrils flaring as Faryn and Cassian stepped past them.

Flowers had blossomed along the marble walls, over patches of moss. The flowers were in the brightest, richest, most vibrant shades she'd ever seen. Tiger and pumpkin orange lantanas were peppered over the floors and the walls, peeking out from the patches of moss. Magenta rhododendrons and boysenberry aliums streaked across the walls. Spanish carmine carnations and cyan hydrangeas spiraled in circles. Cadet blue and rosé pink delphiniums sprouted along the edges of the floor. The sight took her breath away.

Petals in the softest shades of pink and white rested on the marble floors, forming a path. They followed it down the expansive hallway amid the lush greenery, a showcase of Chrysanthos's powers.

At the end of the hall, the petals led to the right. As they walked, Faryn kept close to Cassian, expecting someone to jump out from the doors or darkened alcoves they passed.

Another set of double iron doors loomed before them, smaller but still magnificent. The doors swung inward as they approached, opening into a throne room. White stairs led up to a moss-covered throne, green and as vibrant as the flowers that bloomed from it. Standing before the throne halfway up the stairs was a beautiful Nymph male, his brunette hair rustled across his forehead, a crown of silver branches that sprouted upward, emeralds in the place of leaves set into the boughs. The Crown of Eternal Spring.

The Green Man's smile was feline, his bright green eyes even seemed to glow as if they belonged to a cat. "Faryn Morozko and Cassian Etend, welcome to my home."

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