"Majorly Unstable"

Start from the beginning

"Gone....". Kelly finishes his sentence.
"Yes. She's gone.......Let's head back to the Orville and await the Admiral's call". Ed wipes the expression from his face, and even the conversation taking place, getting up out of his seat and heading for the door. Kelly still sits, closing her eyes and exhaling in defeat as she lightly taps the table with her palm before getting up. As she does, she begins to feel a bit queasy, looking for a nearby garbage, only to remember a little robot came to clear the garbage earlier and hasn't brought back the bin.

She stumbles a little, walking out of the room, looking at a nearby office of a Union representative. She slowly emerges from it, coming to the door to greet Kelly.

"Hey, Kelly! It's me, Rachel! It's been a while since—"

"Hey! I w-wish we could chat more but I desperately need a bathroom". She stumbles away from Rachel as she looks on in blatant confusion.

Finally she enters one. Her and Ed occupy a stall with Kelly leaning her head in the toilet and vomiting as Ed holds her hair back.

"This is the fourth time you've thrown up this week! What the hell is going on with you"? He adjures. She leans on the toilet seat, trying to catch her breath.

"I think, I think it might be side effects of that shot Dr. Finn gave us after visiting the Jovian sector". Ed thought about it for a second. "Mmh, she did say it would cause side effects. Y'know, I thought we kinda, evolved pass the whole gravity sickness phenomena". Ed states, still holding Kelly's hair back while she vomited once more. She leans her head up again to continue speaking.

"Clearly we haven't! Plus, Jupiter's gravity is so dense, I'm glad it was just a little dizziness we felt instead of what the alternative would've been ". She explains as she flushes the toilet.

"Are you finished vomiting"? He asks, cautioning himself into a corner of the stall as she gets back on her feet. She turns to him, silently analyzing how she feels as of current, only to shake her head and proceed back to vomiting.

They both return safely to The Orville and  Kelly takes a visit to Dr. Finn's office as she's busy taking care of Topah.

"Okay, I'm giving you a female Moclan hormone injection. Thanks to Haveena's sanctuary, we have created all kinds of gender reassignment medicines that are leagues better than those of old Earth. So, to explain the treatment, It's a method called Hormone Replacement Therapy, or HRT if you will. It's to regulate your female hormones within your body, from your mostly dominant male hormones. Of course you need both but, since you are now female, you will need to balance out the two". Dr Finn explains to her as she administers the shot.

"There, you're all set. You're to come back in a month for another one, okay"?
Topah nods, giving her a smile. Kelly smiles in the distance. "Thank you, for everything you've done for me, Dr. Finn".
She responds in a smile. "You're most welcome, Topah".
Topah gets up from the patient seat and waves to Kelly before leaving. As Dr. Finn cleans the area she notices Kelly standing there, looking uneasy.

"Commander, what seems to be the matter"? She asks with an almost motherly voice.

"I think I might be having a severe reaction to that shot you gave us".

Dr Finn taps the seat for Kelly to sit down in and goes to grab her scanner.

"Well, what seems to be the problem? Is it bloating, vomiting, swelling"? She asks as she hovers the scanner over Kelly's body carefully.

"I've been having some problems with keeping my lunch in my stomach so far, and maybe just a little bloating? I've noticed I've been a little, gassier since—"
Dr Finn analyzes what she's scanned, her eyes opening just a little at the results.
"What"? Kelly adjures.
"Commander, what you're experiencing, has nothing to do with the shot at all. Kelly, you're pregnant"!

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