"Majorly Unstable"

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**Just saying, this chapter is long!**

A video messages plays of a distressed man in an slightly different environment.

"Hello, my name is Michael. As I am recording this message, our planet is in uproar. We have absolutely no control of our government, our rights as human beings and we are being unlawfully punished because our government is run by a psychopath. I ask, to anyone who can access Quanta, and to anyone who will listen, please....help us"!

Admiral Halsey overviews the video message that was sent through Quanta. Ed and Kelly are both adjacent to him, looking to him for a response. He stands with his thumb under his chin and his left arm holding his right. "How in the hell did he even get access to a galactic, military-grade network in the first place"? He breaks the silence by asking. Ed shrugs, holding his hands outward in confusion.
"We, aren't sure how. We don't know the name or location of the planet nor do we have any idea what we could be up against if we did know. From what I've gathered from the message, something has probably invaded them and taken rulership over them".

"Krill, maybe"? Admiral Halsey suspects. Kelly and Ed nod in agreement.
"We didn't think of that as a possibility however, we, are unfortunately still at war with them so, it's an educated assumption". Kelly chimes, still with concern in her voice.

"Ultimately, we're asking what we can do? I don't think this is one of our unified planets. I mean, this guy is simply asking for help. For whatever reason, he has access to our communications and knows we exist. Do you think it would be at all a consequence for getting involved"?

The Admiral takes the glass tablet in his hand and stares into it while in thought.
"I'll have to converse with the consensus to gain a better perspective on the matter. Personally, I don't believe there would be that much chaos in intervening but, some might look at it as already compromised and insist you simply, ignore the call. But we aren't as callus as some might believe. These people need our help, and maybe we could sanction them under our protection if necessary—but anyways, let me talk to them, and I'll contact you once I get a confirmation".

With a smile, Admiral leaves the room to Kelly and Ed. They both exhale and take a seat. The balcony behind them is coated in evening sunlight, reflecting off perfect stainless glass windows of New York buildings. Ed looks out the window with a concerned face and Kelly watches, thinking of what to say.

"Are you thinking about Anaya"? She asks reluctantly.
"I am.....and I don't know how I could, somehow tell her I'm sorry for being a little, cold towards her".

She places a hand on his. "It's been a couple months since then. Maybe she's gotten over it somehow? It's not like you can call her up and check in. I say, just think positively about the whole thing". Kelly explains.

"She's tried to contact me numerous times on a private frequency to just, chat. I haven't gotten the time, energy or even, care, to get back to her". Ed looks down at his hands, somewhat ashamed by his lack of concern for his daughter.

"So she has reached out? Why don't you just, on a day where you're not busy, just go talk to her, Ed. She's your daughter, and she clearly, loves you. Plus, you're the only family she has. For a time, she probably thought her father was dead, along with her mother. I couldn't imagine to think about being alone, after my Father passed, and thinking my mother was dead as well, to then be reunited with her. It's a magnitude of emotions that are unmatched. Finally, she realizes she's not alone anymore".

Ed shakes his head. Kelly notices the pain in his face. His anger. "No, Kelly, I can't! I can't". He exhales.
"Why"? She asks, tilting her head to one side.
"Because I, don't want her to get hurt, killed even, god forbid assassinated for, I don't know, showing weakness for mankind. Or even worse, letting a Union Captain, live. There's too much consequence for bringing her further into my life. For both of us. Now, more than ever, and, Teleya....Kelly, I fell in love with her. Not her façade, her. I never thought, in my life, that I'd fall for someone who isn't human, especially someone who was an enemy of mine. But I did, and now, she's....". Ed bites his lip in frustration of not having done something to prevent her death.

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