Chapter 5: Bell test

Start from the beginning

Kurama looked at Naruto and a question came to mind. "Are you related to Tobirama Senju?" Kurama asked the blond and sliver haired boy.

Naruto nodded "yes, I am I'm his grandson. Though what made you ask such a question?" He asked raising an eyebrow.

"In my first container, who was Tobirama's sister in law so I saw him often" Kurama explained to Naruto. "And you act quite similar to that water loving man"

End Flash back

Naruto was broken from his reminiscing when he sensed Sakura and Sasuke arriving at the training grounds.

Naruto made no move to stand up as he saw Sasuke and Sakura come into view. Sakura was talking but Naruto didn't listen and just blocked her out.

"She's annoying" a voice spoke in Naruto's head. 'That she is Kurama'

Two hours passed till Naruto felt Kakashi chakra gathering in the training field. Naruto stood and looked at where Kakashi would appear.

Kakashi explained the test to them, with some complaining from Sakura.

"Now come at me with the intent to kill" Kakashi told them.

"What?! We could kill you!" Sakura yelled. Naruto looked at her 'is she serious he's a jonin' he thought.

"Begin!" Kakashi shouted ignoring Sakura's shouting. Naruto, Saskue and Sakura disappeared.

Kakashi pulled out his book and tried to sense his team. Not surprisingly he couldn't sense Naruto, but he could sense the other two.

Naruto sat in a tree watching Kakashi pull out his book. Naruto left the tree and made his was to where he could sense Saskue knowing that if Sasuke didn't agree to work as a team then Sakura wouldn't work as a team with him.

Naruto crouched next to Sasuke who was in a bush hiding. "Sasuke" Naruto said quietly. Sasuke turned his head fast towards the blond and silver haired boy in shock that Naruto managed to get this close to him without him sensing him.

"What do you want Senju?" Sasuke spat hatting Naruto even more because of his Senju name.

"We have to work together to get the bells" Naruto told Sasuke. Saskue scowled at the mention of team work.

"No I can do this myself" Sasuke said rushing off to fight Kakashi. 

Naruto decided to at lest try with Sakura. So he moved to where he sensed the pink haired girl.

Naruto got there to see Kakashi put Sakura under a genjutsu. They both watched Sakura scream before passing out. Kakashi sighed before disappearing.

Naruto appeared next to Sakura waking her up. The pink haired girl shot up shouting "Sasuke!"

Then she saw Naruto. "Is Saskue alright?!" Sakura asked frantically.

Naruto really wondered how she became a ninja.

"Yes he's fine it was only a genjutsu" Naruto told Sakura who let out a sigh of relief.

"To defeat Kakashi we need to work as a team" Naruto told Sakura.

"No. If Sasuke is isn't working with you then I won't" she said huffing before running of to find Sasuke.

Naruto watched her leave before disappearing going to watch Sasuke and Saukra's fight with Kakashi.

And the blond and sliver haired boy was disappointed with what he saw. Sasuke stuck in the ground and a unconscious Sakura who had most likely fainted.

Kakashi stood straight pulling his book out before thinking other wise of it. It wouldn't be a good idea to read with Naruto walking around waiting to fight him.

Naruto watched Kakashi put his book away. He quickly came up with a plan.

Naruto used a Shunshine and appeared not far from Kakashi.

"I see you finally decided to fight me" Kakashi said staring at Naruto preparing for a fight.

Naruto nodded before taking off into a run getting into a taijutsu battle with Kakashi. Kakashi was kinda shocked by Naruto's taijutsu style as he's never seen this style but he quickly adjusted.

They exchanged blows in matching speed. Naruto pulled out a kunai swinging it at Kakashi who had to jump back to avoid the attack.

Kakashi began to run though hand signs before shooting a fire ball at Naruto. Naruto looked unfazed by the big fire ball coming towards him as he crouched down and place his hands on the floor as a massive water wall came up and protected him from the fire ball.

Kakashi looked at the water wall whistling slight at the water wall, it reminded him of that night.

Naruto came behind Kakashi with another kunai in hand and began to attack Kakahsi again.

Kakashi barely had time to block the attack with his own kunai.

Naruto narrowed his eyes as he threw some kunai's at Kakashi. Kakahsi deflected them.

Naruto saw a kunai close to Kakahsi and used the body switching technique and switched with it and appeared where it was. Naruto grabbed the bells from Kakashi.

"You shouldn't have held back" Naruto told the masked man.
"Well, you where holding back I only matched you" Kakashi told Naruto who removed his kunai.

Naruto, Sasuke and Sakura where sat in front of Kakahsi. "So Naruto what are you going to do with the other bell?" He asked Naruto though he knew what Naruto was going to do.

Naruto stood up and placed a bell on Sakura's head who was tied to a wooden stump and gave Sasuke the last bell.

Sakura shouted happily that she passed along with her
Sasuke-kun. Sasuke on the other hand was happy though he tried to hid it.

Kakashi had to pass them even though Sasuke and Sakura didn't show any teamwork, he couldn't fail them because of the council because they wouldn't want him to fail the Uchiha.

Kakahsi eye smiled "congratulations you all pass" he told them. The new team seven was formed Naruto and Kakahsi walked away side by side with Sasuke behind him all three of them leaving Sakura tied to the wooden stump.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jul 22, 2022 ⏰

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