Chapter 2: Chakra Control

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It was the following day and Naruto was walking through the streets of the leaf village in the early morning feeling content.

There where not many villagers awake yet as it was still early, the streets where almost empty. So Naruto could walk calmly through the streets without much issues.

The sun was warm though the air still had a chill to it. Naruto could feel the calmness of the village. It made a small unnoticeable smile.

Soon the Hokage tower came into view, Naruto entered the the Hokage tower and walked up the stairs to the Hokage's office only to be stoped by Hiruzen Secretary.

"What are you doing here demon?" She asked hatred strong in her voice.

Naruto stood in front of her unaffected by her words. "Hokage-sama asked to see me" he told the secretary. The Secretary looked at him not believe him. Naruto saw this and spoke up "you can ask he if you want" he offered knowing she wouldn't let him through till she knew the Hokage wanted to see him.

She nodded "I will" she said standing up and glaring at him strongly before knocking on the Hokage's office door. "Come in" Hiruzen's weary voice called from inside the office.

The secretary entered the Hokage's office. Naruto couldn't hear what was being said all he could hear where the inaudible shouts as the two clearly argued before the secretary came out clearly scared.

'Ah Jiji threatened her' Naruto thought as the secretary almost stumbled towards her desk. "The Hokage will see you now" she said seamlessly in shock.

Naruto nodded silently before entering the Hokage's office to see Hiruzen sat in his chair rubbing his temples.

The four year old closed the door behind him and looked at the old Hokage. "Sorry for cause so much trouble Jiji" Naruto apologise to the Hokage.

Hiruzen sighed "it's not you fault Naruto. Don't worry about it" he told the mostly blond haired boy.

"Anyway I have some scrolls here for you to study" Hiruzen said as he went into a draw in his desk pulling out some scrolls.

Hiruzen held them out for Naruto to take. The four year old boy walked forward talking the scrolls from the third Hokage.

"Once you've finished studying them and have mastered them bring them back and I'll get you more to study" Hiruzen told Naruto who nodding bowing slightly. "Thank you Hokage" Naruto said gratefully.

Hiruzen waved Naruto off. "It's alright Naruto" he told the blue eyed boy.

Naruto stayed knowing there was something else Hiruzen wanted to say. The third Hokage signalled for his ANBU guards to leave which they did. Once they where gone Hiruzen looked at Naruto knowing he was a powerful sensor silently asking the blue eyed boy if they where truly alone.

The four year old nodded telling the Hokage that they where in fact alone. Hiruzen sighed as he allowed himself to relax, his tense shoulders relaxing.

"The scrolls I gave you are for chakra control and water manipulation" Hiruzen told the young boy. Naruto nodded looking down at the scrolls in his four year old hands.

"Once you've done with those I'll give you some water ninjutsu, is there anything you'd want to learn" Hiruzen asked the smart four year old. Naruto thought for a moment. "Could I have some Kenjutsu and taijutsu scrolls?" Naruto asked hopefully looking into Hiruzen's eyes.

Hiruzen thought for a moment thinking what styles would be best suited for Naruto. An idea popped into his head, if Naruto wanted and it suited him maybe he could give Naruto Tobirama's taijutsu and Kenjutsu style.

Hiruzen decided to voice his thoughts. "Next time you come for scrolls I'll give you Tobirama's taijutsu and Kenjutsu if you want" Hiruzen offered to the blond and silver haired boy.

Naruto smiled slightly at the idea nodding "that'd be nice thank you" he thanked bowing slight once again ignoring Hiruzen displeasure at the boy he saw as a grandson bowing to him.

Soon Naruto left the Hokage's office heading towards a secluded training grounds, one that Hiruzen told him was abandoned and no one would be there to see what Naruto was doing, so he could train without fear off being found out.

Naruto got to the training grounds and only two words came to mind when his blue eyes fell into the training grounds, beautiful and peacefully.

The training ground was surrounded by a dense forest the trees sheltered the grounds from praying eyes, there was a lake with a waterfall. The noise from running water calmed Naruto soothing his being, it made Naruto fell like he belonged which was something Naruto rarely felt.

Naruto sat under a tree pulling out the scrolls Hiruzen gave him. He opened the first one as he began to read its contents.

Chakra control.
Before starting chakra control you must under stand chakra it's self.

Chakra is an energy that can connect the physical world and the spiritual one. It's a life source that is in every living thing.

Before starting chakra control you must first unlock your chakra. To unlock your chakra you must look deep in yourself and pull on the feeling of strength inside you.

Naruto skipped that part knowing he's already done that. Reading on.

First step to chakra control is tree walking. This is done by applying chakra to your feet. Add too much and you'll be pushed off of the tree and too little you'd slip.

Naruto ponded thinking about how hard it would be for him considering he had massive chakra reserves.

Once you've mastered that water walking is the next step to perfect chakra control. For water walking it's similarly to the tree walking, though this time it's water.

Naruto hummed noticing that he'd have to do that another time.

Naruto closed the scroll putting it with the other as he stood looking at the tree he was once lent against.

Naruto looked at the tree with a thoughtful look. He pondered for a moment more before applying chakra to his feet as he ran at the tree. To his surprise he didn't slip or push off the tree, in fact he stuck to it pretty well.

Naruto decided to test his luck and climbed higher up the tree. He spent the next two hours walking up and down the tree to make sure he had completely mastered tree walking. Naruto only slipped once and that was the only mistake he made. Apart from that Naruto did the tree walking exercise perfect for two full hours surprising himself with his chakra control.

Naruto decided to test his luck with water walking knowing it was much harder than tree walking.

Naruto walked over to the lake in the training grounds. He stared at the lake his blue eyes stared at the waters surface. Naruto channelled some of his chakra into his feet as he put one foot on the water surface testing his chakra output.

It seemed to be the right amount so Naruto put his other foot on the water surface, he still seemed to stand on the water surface.

Naruto took a step forward and his foot sank. But Naruto didn't give up and he tried again. Replacing his foot in the surface this time his foot didn't sink into the lake.

Naruto figured he had the right amount of chakra and began to walk slowly testing it out. After about twenty minutes Naruto began to speed up, walking across the water surface.

Again more time passed and Naruto began to speed up again and again till he was running across the water surface seamlessly to glide other the water surface.

Naruto spent the rest of the day training in chakra training still surprised in his chakra control despite his large chakra reserves. By the time the moon was high in the sky Naruto was passed out under a tree sleeping soundly.

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