Chapter 17- This Can't Be Happening

Start from the beginning

"I know it does and she's a fool for letting you go. She never should have cheated on you. Your an amazing person and you deserve a girl that's going to make you happy. If she's going to hurt you like that then she may not be the one," he said soothingly.

That only made cry harder. "I really wanted her to be the one though! I really love her! I thought she felt the same but she didn't! It's not fair," I wailed.

Draco just held me in his arms as I cried.

When I finished crying, a sudden strong wave of fatigue came over me and I would have collapsed if Draco didn't catch me. "Woah carefully there. C'mon lets get you back to back to your bed, I'll collect all your work for the day," he said.

I nodded. Draco wrapped his arm around my waist and helped me back to our dorm. As soon as we made it through the door, I stumbled over to my bed and collapsed onto it, falling asleep instantly.


When I opened my eyes, I was in the middle of a misty meadow.

I heard shouting and quickly turned around to see my mother and Pansy in a heated battle.

Bellatrix was throwing spell after spell and Pansy blocked them as best as she could.

I watched in horror as the two battled. I screamed at them to stop but neither one seemed to hear me. I shouted and shouted but my voice fell onto deaf ears. It was no use they couldn't hear me.

Just then, Pansy looked up at me and got distracted for a moment. I felt my heart stop when I heard the spell my mother cast. "Sectumsempra! "


The next thing I knew, I jumped in front of Pansy and got hit with the most painful thing imaginable.


Pansy fell to my side, her face stained with tears. "No no no don't leave me! You stay alive ok? I can't loose you!" She sobbed.

I smiled weakly. "P-Pansy, I-I still love you," I said quietly.

Pansy sobbed harder. "I still love you too," she said.

She pressed her lips to mine with a passion I never felt her use before. All too soon she pulled away and pressed her forehead against mine.

"Someone help!!" She yelled.

I felt my body go cold. "I l-love you," I said as my whole world faded to black.


I woke up in a cold sweat. What in the hell was that?

I shook my head to clear my head of the odd dream and looked over at the clock to see it was 5 minutes until midnight.

I quickly threw on a jumper and a pair of shorts and quietly left the dorm and made my way to the room of requirements.

When I got there, Voldemort was standing in the hallway waiting for me. He barely registered that I was there and made his way inside the room of requirements with me following.

When he got in the middle of the room he stopped and turned around. "Today we're going to learn about deflecting. Get your wand at the ready," he commanded in his cold voice.

I stood in a defensive stance with my wand in front of me. The next thing I knew spells were flying at me left and right. I deflected as best as I could but a spell hit me in the stomach that sent me flying backwards into the wall.

I felt to the ground clutching my stomach. Fuck that hurt worse than cramps.

Voldemort marched over to me and grabbed the collar of my jumper and pulled me up. "That was pathetic. Get your ass up and try again."

I nodded and tried to ignore the pain in my abdomen. I got back into place and started again. This time I lasted a bit longer but my guard slipped for one second and a sharp pain hit my leg.

I fell to my knees in agony as he watched emotionless. "Is that the best you got? You're terrible at this. Try again," he commanded.

I gritted my teeth and stood up and shook out my limbs and resumed my stance. Adrenaline courses through my bones as I deflected spell after wordless spell. After a while I grew exhausted and got hit often. Everytime I did I grew angrier and angrier.

After a few hours I was sore from head to toe and I was panting. "Again," he commanded.

I took my stance once more and deflected again and again but just like before I got hit and flipped backwards and landed on my back. Voldemort came to stand over me. He glared down at me. "Crucio," he said darkly.

Just then, the most painful feeling I have ever felt spread over my body. I screamed and twitched in agony as the pain continued.

After a few minutes the pain ceased and I slowly opened my eyes.

Voldemort had the scariest look I had ever seen. "You're absolutely pathetic. You will never be a good witch and you are a disappointment to your name. I wish I had a different daughter who did not disappoint me," he spat.

Voldemort smacked me across the face and with that he left, leaving me on the ground heartbroken and in agony.

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