Not Over Yet

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We were still sitting in the back of the ambulance when we saw something in the distance.

Some sort of figure walking out from behind the house we had just walked out of.

Could it be-?

Arms wrapped around me, hugging me tight.

Mom and Dad!

"We were so worried, sweetheart! Are you hurt?" Mom asked

I nodded, "I'm fine. Promise."

Dad held my face, "Don't ever do that again."

"Never again." I smiled

Another officer called my parents over to speak to them.

They walked over leaving me and Robin alone.

But before we could say anything, a woman walked up to him, hugging him tight.

She pulled away from him, cupping his face and staring at him.

She turned to me, "Thank you. Thank you for saving my son."

I smiled at her, "Of course. I'd do anything for your son. He's really great."

"You know, he talks about you all the time." She said, smiling back at me.

I turned to look at Robin who was absolutely flustered.

He's so cute.

"You picked a good one, mijo. You picked a good one." She said to Robin.

He nodded back at her, and turned to me. "I did. I really did."

Screaming right now.

His mom got called over by a different officer, to get a statement or something.

She walked away, winking at Robin with a big smile on her face.

"I'm sorry about that." He said, rubbing the back of his neck in embarrassment.

"It's okay. That was cute." I said, softly.

He smiled, taking my hand in his.

I looked down at our interlocked hands, blushing.

I looked up and he was looking right at me.

"I love you." He said


"Before you say anything, I know we're young, but I really do think I love you." He continued.

I was so surprised, the only thing I could do was look at him.

"I completely understand if you don't feel the same, I just-"

I kissed him, shutting him up.

I pulled away, "We are a bit young but, I think I love you too."

His face lit up, obviously happy at my answer.

"What a way to say 'I love you', huh?" I said

"What do you mean?" He asked

"I'm covered in blood, busted lip and bruised eye. You're covered in what I assume is sweat and tears."

He laughed, "And I wouldn't have it any other way."

He pulled me into a hug, burying his face into my neck.

It was perfect.

And then I saw it again.

The same figure, standing by the house we escaped, looking right at us.

A man wearing a mask.

"You thought it was over? I'm just getting started."  I heard a voice say.

What the fuck.

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