Fight For Your Own

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I woke up bright and early that morning.

6am?! Impressive.

I got dressed and headed downstairs where my parents were waiting in the kitchen.

Not creepy or worrying at all.

"Don't worry, you aren't in trouble. We just wanted to see if you were interested in something." My dad said, calming me down.


"Oh. Okay. Go on."

"So, you know Jasmine? Our file organizer?" Mom asked

"Yeah, I've spoken to her a few times when I go to the shop. Why?"

"Her son. Bruce. He was kidnapped. Which means we need to fill her position so she can focus on that." Mom said


"And we want you to fill it. You're 14. And we think it'll be great for you. Only if you're up for it." Dad said

"Wait. Bruce is missing?" I asked. I had just seen him the day prior. And now he's missing?

"Unfortunately, yes." Mom said, clearly upset at the fact that someone could just take a kid like it's nothing.

"We don't know what going on yet, so by working with us, we'll be able to keep an eye on you so you're safe." Dad said

"Oh. I guess that's a good point." I said, "Okay. Just let me know when I can start."

"Today. After school. Invite a friend. That way you can walk there safely and be entertained while you work." Dad suggested

"Yeah. Okay." I was a bit reluctant to this, but I definitely understand their perspective.

"Good. Well off you go. Be safe. We love you darling." My parents said.

"I love you guys too. See you." I smiled at them and started walking out the door to head to school.


As I was walking, I spotted Finn and Gwen walking as well. Might as well join them.

"Finn! Gwen! Wait up!" I called after them

They both turned to look at me and stopped walking.

"Hey Y/N!" Finn said

"Hey! Did you guys see?" I asked

"Yeah. God, how did we go from seeing him at the game to seeing his face on a missing poster?" Gwen said

"Life throws some serious curveballs sometimes." Finn said

"No kidding.". A bit further ahead, I saw Robin. He was talking with someone.


Some racist kid from the neighborhood down the street.

We weren't close enough to hear anything, but next thing we knew Robin and Moose started fighting. Obviously, Robin was going to win. He always does.

When we got close enough to see what was happening, Moose was already bleeding so much, he would probably pass out.

"Get off of him!" Some random girl yelled.

She ran up to Robin and started slapping him. They clearly didn't hurt him but they were annoying.

"Stop punching my boyfriend!" the girl said.

Oh. Makes sense. Sorta.

"What the hell?" Robin said, clearly confused as to why she thought she could get involved.

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