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I was mentally preparing for this.

Was this a mistake? No. Yes. Maybe?

Gwen rode away, and that's when it full on hit me.

I could die.

Was he really worth it?

Answer to that. Yes. Yes he is.

Okay. Here we go.

I walked up to the door and wiggled the doorknob.


Of course it fucking was, dumbass.
No kidnapper would leave the front door unlocked.

I walked around the house, focusing on every little detail.

Every window. Every crease and crack.

I was almost already completely around the house before I saw what almost looked like a small basement window.

It was still raining so I couldn't see very well, so I had to walk closer.

And that's when I saw them.

Finn and Robin. Sitting on what looked like a mattress.

I knocked on the window, hoping they could hear me.

They looked up and they automatically looked, relieved?

"Guys! Are you hurt?" I yelled

They said something back but I couldn't hear them, but they were pointing behind me.

I tilted my head in confusion until I felt hands on me.

I turned around as quickly as possible to see a man, with a top hat on.

Wait. I've run into this man before. On the way to Finn's game.

The Grabber.

I tried to get up and run away. But that was pretty much impossible.

I could try and fight, but he was like twice my size.

Fuck. My. Life.

"Found you." He said, before punching me, knocking me out cold.


I woke up in a dark basement.

I immediately felt pain on my face.

Specifically on my eye and lip.

"Holy fuck." I heard a voice say, my vision still a bit blurry

I could make out the faces of Robin and Finn.

This was so worth it.

"Robin? Finn? Am I dead?" I asked

"What? No." Robin said, I think.

"What the hell were you thinking?!" Finn exclaimed

I could see a bit more clearly now.

"I was thinking that if we didn't find you guys now you could die!" I replied

"Yeah? Well now you're going to die too!" Finn exclaimed

"I'm sorry! Gwen's getting help, she was with me." I said

"You brought Gwen!?" Finn yelled

"Finn! Calm down. She was just trying to help. You know that." Robin said, trying to calm him down.

Finn took a deep breath, "Sorry. I'm just freaking out. I don't wanna die."

I put my hand on his shoulder, "Relax, Gwen will be back with the police any minute now."

He nodded and went back to sit down on the mattress.

"Are you okay?" Robin asked me

My eyes widened. Was he being serious right now?

"Am I okay? Are you joking right now?" I asked, absolutely shocked

"Your eye is bruising, and not to mention your lip is busted." He replied

"I'm fine. But what about you? What happened?"

He was about to respond before we heard the locks of the door clicking.

We all stood up and backed up against the wall, preparing for death.

The door opened and,

Holy shit.

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