Last Conversations

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ideas for changes to this chapter were made by 1-800-Dahlia


We kept walking, his arm around my shoulder.

We passed those kissing teenagers that I saw when we got here.
I couldn't help myself from asking questions.

Does Robin like me?
I mean he has to, right?

He's got his arm around me so-

No. We're just friends.

Nothing more. Nothing less.

I felt a tap on my shoulder, bringing my out of my thoughts.

"Are you okay? I know I brought you here to clear your mind but damn." He laughed

I gave him a slight smile, "Yeah, I'm good."

He stopped walking and stood in front of me, stopping me too.

He grabbed my hand, "Alright. Talk to me. What's up?"

"Nothing" I said with a slight laugh, "I told you I'm okay."

He did not looked convinced.

"You and I both know that's not true." He said

I took a deep breath, "Okay. I guess I'm just.. confused."

He tilted his head slightly, obviously confused.

Okay. I guess I'm doing this now.

"What are we, Robin?" I asked

"We're friends! Good friends." He replied

My smile dropped. Ouch.

"Okay. Robin? I have something to tell you." I said, mentally preparing for the worst.

"Yeah?" He said

"I like you. A lot." I muttered
I closed my eyes, not wanting to see his face right now.

"What did you say?" He asked

"I like you, Robin. Like more than a friend." I repeated, slightly louder this time.

"Sorry, I can't hear you." He said again

"Damn it Robin, I like you!" I said, loud and clear.

He started laughing.


"I heard you the first time, I just wanted to hear you say it with your whole chest." He replied, still laughing.

I hit his shoulder playfully, "You're such an ass!" I said, laughing with him now.

We kept laughing for a bit before he spoke again.

"I like you too. As more than a friend." He told me, big smile on his face.

We stood there, hand in hand, just maintaining eye contact.

"C'mon. Let's get back before your mom kills me."


Somehow, the walk back was better than the walk to the park.

Me and Robin just talking, holding hands.

But this time, I didn't have to overthink it.

"We were totally out longer than an hour." I said

"Yeah well, let's just hope your mom doesn't kill us." He replied, big smile on his face

Once we arrived back, I was surprised when Mom and Dad just greeted us like normal.

I guess we dodged a bullet with that one.

"Honey! You can get your stuff and go home if you want." Dad said

"Oh? I thought you guys wanted me to stay here." I replied

Mom and Dad just looked at each other and smiled.

"No, no. It's fine." Mom said, waving me off

"Okay... See you guys at home then" I said, extremely confused

"See you. Bye Robin." Mom said

"Goodbye ma'am." Robin said

I went back to the office where my bag was and I saw something out of the corner of my eye.

Newspapers with the missing boys on it.

Damn. They're just forgotten. Just like that.

"You coming?" Robin called

"Yeah! Just grabbing something!" I yelled back

I grabbed the papers and stuffed them in my bag. I doubt they're something important but just in case.

Once I had all my stuff, I walked out of the office and grabbed Robin's hand.

"C'mon." I smiled

Once we left, we kept asking each other questions.

Just different questions this time.

"Favorite place? Just so I know where to take you next time." Robin asked

"Anywhere with you." I said, instantly regretting it

"Wow, soft." Robin laughed

I smacked his arm and laughed

"Shut up! But it's true. I feel comfortable with you, and safe." I said

He looked at me and smiled.

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