W40K Cyberpunk AU (Outline)

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Things with a "*" next to them are AU specific, and are not originally from the Warhammer 40k universe.

Also, I have very little knowledge of the 40k lore so shit shall be vague.



-Everything takes place on Terra because It's a Cyberpunk AU not at "sc-fi fantasy" AU.
-I want expansion to other celestial bodies to be like, things they're currently working on.
-Like, yeah, they can get people into space no problem, but they for some reason can't make permanent bases.
-Also because I felt like it.

[Global State]
-Also this AU takes place in like an oppressive world order- dystopian kinda thing?
-So like, no war, but everything sucks.


[The Banning of AI in This AU]
-So basically, AI did as it does and grew hyper-intelligent and got pissed at people and started killing.
-In a war against it, this is when Space Marines would be created
-The AI experiments with Bio-weapons and creates the Tyranids.
-After "defeating" the AI, it hides itself away in the wastelands and becomes the Necrons.

[The Horus Heresy]
-So basically, instead of the marines falling to Chaos, they instead just go:
"This system of government sucks... we could do better.".
-After a war against the, in this AU, just Heretics and the Loyalists, the Heretic chapters become this AU's. version of Chaos.

*[Great Loss]
-So basically, there are these guys right? Okay and they have nuclear weapons yeah?
-They accidentally nuked a hive city and now irradiated people live in the wastelands and are this AU's version of Orks.


[The Imperium of Man]
-Still like.. the government peoples and whatever or something.

[Astra Millitarum]
-Still the military and are also partially the law enforcement I guess?
-Also Millitarum members can also live as citizens seeing as they aren't being deployed across the galaxy.

[Adeptus Astartes]
-Almost like a separate genetically modified human species created for the wars of worlds past, and are now just the like... 1,000 year old monitors for the God Emperor that act as enforcers of the Emperor's will?

(Not really a faction, but an explanation)
-Exist because even in this AU, AI is banned because of ✨robotic uprising✨
-(Because of the war n' shit.)

[Adeptus Mechanicus]
-Working class citizen and that is all I say bc I honestly know nothing about the machine cults.

[The Forces of Chaos]
-Just like, gangs n' stuff and the Chaos Gods are like the gang leaders?
-But in this one the Chaos Gods are just the names Heretical Primarchs use

-A range of hibernating species created by the AI, genetically engineered to consume Terra.

[Gene-stealer Cults]
-A, you guessed it, cult, of people who worship AI created bio-weapons that were used in the past for war/this AU's Tyranids.

[The Orks]
-People who live outside of the cities and in the barren wastes as the earth has been fucked by years of not being taken care of.
-They live like Mad Max style.

[The Necrons/The Necrontyr]
-The survivor AI of the war and are slowly waking up to retake Terra again

[The T'au]
-A religion that preaches the greater good and thats it.. also they're allowed to exist bc I like them, and we'll pretend the Emperor doesn't hate religion.


[The Emperor]
-Still the Emperor and is just like the fucking world leader?
-That's it.


[All Chapters]
-Fuck you only 10 Chapters because I don't feel like writing 7,000 words for a W40k AU outline.
-Also because I choose favorites, and not all of them are the founding chapters.

[Loyalist Chapters]
-Black Templars
-Blood Angels
-Imperial Fists

[Heretical Chapters]
-Death Guard/Bilious Ones: Nurgle
-Luna Wolves/Sons of Horus: Khorne
-Thousand Sons: Tzeentch
-Sons of Ulthunas/Angles of Ecstasy: Slaanesh


[Loyalist Chapters]
-The guys who didn't say: "Fuck the government."

[Black Templars]
-Black armor and that is cool.
-I saw a funny video so now in this AU, all Black Templars have German accents.
-More support based, as in they provide specialist support for front line chapters.

[Blood Angels]
-Red... poggers.
-Tbh I don't really like the Blood Angles but I really like drawing them.
-Specialists, like infiltration and information gathering

[Imperial Fists]
-Yellow, WOOOOOO-
-In this AU they're all like.. gentle giants except for when they're mad. Then they're unstoppable forces of mass destruction.
-Probably used in the front lines as small but dedicated groups to clear paths for the Millitarum.

-Green. Idk grass?
-The most Human chapter, as in they're more similar to Humans than Space Marines.
-Probably more gentle about law enforcement, rather than execution on the spot for jaywalking.
-More law enforcement than military.

-I like the color blue, fuck you.
-I'd say in this AU they're the more like.. the all purpose chapter? Like other chapters specialize in certain tactics, professions, or weaponry, but the Ultramarines just have a little of everything.
-Obviously it means other Chapters are batter than the Ultramarines when it comes down to specific things, but the Ultramarines are more flexible/very adaptable.

-White/Grey? I can't tell. Lol, only primer coated armor.
-The silent guys that sit in the corner being all cool and mysterious only they are 8" tall walking tanks.
-The most like infantry out of all of the chapters.


[Heretical Chapters]
-The guys who did say: "Fuck the government."
-Oh you want me to be honest, I do not care for Chaos so this shit is all vague and generic.

[Bilious Ones]
-Previously the Death Guard
-Primarch: Mortarion/Nurgle
-If you think the stuff the Slaanesh gangs can make are a lot, don't go near Nurgle. You may die.

[Sons of Horus]
-Previously the Luna Wolves
-Primarch: Horus/Khorne
-Gangs of mercenaries, bounty hunters and such.

[Thousand Sons]
-Still the Thousand Sons
-Primarch: Magnus the Red/Tzeentch
-Mostly cyber based, they're all mostly hackers and spys or something idk.

[Angles of Ecstasy]
-Previously the Sons of Ulthunas
-Primarch: can't find one so they get Fulgrim/Slaanesh
-Drug lords and also like, sex trafficking and that.

Everything else I either forgot about, don't know about, or don't know how to include, Ex. The Eldari/Dark Eldari, other planets, etc.

Also I might add new things later.

Oneshots/Ideas Kinda?Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat