Chapter 7

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TW: Death and swearing

The night after the fight was interesting, Hunter slept soundly for once but the Collector kept waking up at random times through out the night. Eda and Raine had stayed up for most of the night to calm the child down from their nightmares.

By the morning everyone had a some what decent sleep. Raine and Lilith had gotten started on breakfast while King, Luz, Hunter and the Collector played some games fairly.

"Breakfast!" Raine called out as everyone rushed to the table.

Hunter once again had a very large serving but was eating at a slower pace without being told to. Eda smiled at Hunter "Good job kid."

Hunter smiled warmly and continued eating. Hunter has started to ramble about Steven Universe to Edric and Luz chipped in every now and then.

The palisman were gossiping and Eda, Alador and Darius were discussing make something similar to a prosthetic out of abomatanion matter.

Luz, Amity, Gus, Matt, Edric and Hunter went back to watching Steven Universe after breakfast with the collector joining them from time to time.

Hunter got up to find some clean clothes as he was going on a mission, he dug through boxes until he found something. Sure it was a dress and sure it was pink but he really liked it "You reckon I can wear a dress on the mission?" He asked Raine.

"Yeah, as long as you wear some shorts underneath." The bard replied washing some dishes.

Hunter smiled and went off to the bathroom to go change. He exited the bathroom in a translucent light pink puffy top with a sleeveless dark pink top underneath and a dark pink skirt that matched the top.

                                                                                (Here is what he looks like ⬇️⬇️)

                                                                                (Here is what he looks like ⬇️⬇️)

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He started to pack some supplies into a satchel so that he was prepared for the mission. Flapjack landed on his shoulder her started twittering into his ear.

"You ready to got Hunter?" Raine called out from where they stood at the door.

"Yeah!" Hunter replied putting on his satchel and walking to the door.

The team consisted of Raine, Darius, Luz, Amity and Hunter. They walked through Bones Burrough until they made it to the mouth of a cave.

"According to the reports this is where some of the scouts that still side with Belos are housed." Darius said.

Amity and Hunter readied them selves with their palisman is staff form while Luz made sure she had enough glyphs in the phone pouch she found while looking through Eda's human junk.

The group cautiously wandered into the cave. Around half way through the cave Raine had started to sing nervously "Would you shut up?!" Darius half yelled.

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