Chapter 4

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"Hey Lilith?" Luz asked "Since you basically saw Hunter grow up did he do or say anything embarrassing as a kid?"

"We'll when he was really young, around 3 or 4, he started to call me 'Mama Raven'." Lilith replied smiling at the old memories "He grew out of it by the time he was 7."

Hunter was staring at Luz and Lilith with an angry expression on his face "Did you really have to tell her that?!" He half yelled angrily.

"Well she asked a question so I answered it." Lilith said looking at Hunter now.

Luz was laughing in the back round as Lilith and Hunter talked.

"Wat'cha laughing at kid?" Eda asked Luz as she heard her laughing.

"Hunter used to call Lilith 'Mama Raven'!" Luz said in between laughs.

"Well I think that's kinda sweet. What do you think Raine?" Eda said turning to look at the bard.

"I agree with Eda, the nick name is  quite sweet." Raine said looking up from their violin.

"Can we please stop talking about this topic!!" Hunter groaned from where he was sitting. His hands were covering his face and his freckled cheeks were blushed form embarrassment.

"I think we should leave Hunter alone now, if we keep going he might die from embarrassment." Raine spoke going back to tuning their violin.

"Okay, okay. We'll leave him alone." Luz said getting up and going to find Amity.

"Thank you.." Hunter grumbled from where his face was hidden.

"Hey Hunter, do you want to work on your flute?" Raine asked from where they sat.

"Yeah!" Hunter replied excitedly, he got up hastily and grabbed the case his flute was in. He practically sprinted over to Raine, Hunter eas very excited to be learning how to play the flute.

Raine smiled and summoned their own flute "How about we head outside, we won't bother anyone there."

Hunter nodded already at the hideouts door. Raine opened the door and they stepped outside along with Hunter. Raine taught Hunter different notes and how to play a few lullabies on the flute, they also taught him to take apart and put it back together for cleaning and storage.

Raine went back inside for lunch and surprisingly Hunter stayed outside to keep practicing. Edric walked outside with two plates in hand, one for him and one for Hunter, he sat down of the ground with both plates resting on his knees as he admired Hunter.

He silently listened to the other boy play the flute. Hunter finally noticed Edric's presence and turned around with light blush dusting his freckled face "How long have you been sitting there?" He asked.

"Long enough to know how amazing of a flute player you are." Ed replied smoothly.

"It's not that good, I only started like two weeks ago." Hunter replied now taking apart his flute and putting it back into the case.

"It's still a lot better than anything I can do." Edric said handing Hunter a plate once he was done putting his flute away.

Hunter smiled "Thank you." He then bit into one of the sandwich's.

"Your welcome." Edric smiled too and ate the rest of his lunch "You looked really pretty playing the flute with the mid day sun shining of you."

Hunter was now blushing profusely "Wha- I- Thank you..?" He stampered not used to compliments.

Edric grabbed put his scroll to show Hunter a photo he took "See, the lighting was perfect when you were playing." Ed pointed out.

"Yeah I can see what you mean." Hunter agreed.

Edric leaned in closer to Hunter to show him some more pictures "At some point we could even do a photo shoot!" Ed exclaimed "I mean if you want to."

"That actually sounds great!" Hunter said nodding.

"We should probably do it at some point when the world isn't ending it something." Edric spoke now looking kind of sad.

"Why not look on the bright side, we aren't dead!" Hunter said slightly cheerfully

"I guess that is something." Ed agreed "Can.. can I hug you?"

"Yeah.." Hunter replied.

After the conformation Edric basicly enveloped the grimwalker in a hug. The green haired boy soon began to sob into Hunter's shoulder "Hey, why are you crying?" Hunter asked lifting Ed's head up and wiping tears from his face.

"I don't know!" Edric screamed "Everything has gone to shit and we are living in fear of dying everyday! And once everything has gone back to normal there is a change I'll get taken away from my dad and have to live with Odalia!" Edric refused to call Odalia his mother.

Hunter sighed and hugged Ed back tightly, he didn't know what to say so he started to him a lullaby that he heard somewhere as a small child but he could never figure out where he heard it from.Edric soon began to calm down and tears weren't running down his face like waterfalls. "There you go. Breath, in and out." Hunter showed Edric the breathing technique he learned from Gus who learned it from Willow.

Ed's crying had stopped but he was still hugging Hunter with every Fiber of his body "Thank you.." He mumbled sniffling.

"Why don't we head back inside and we can watch the Crystal ball." Hunter said.

Edric nodded and reluctantly let go of Hunter and stood up. They walked back inside and watched Amphibia until sundown.

That is the end of Chapter 4 and I hope you enjoyed.

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