Chapter 5

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A/N: so two head cannons of mine are that Hunter has curly hair and that he is trans. Another he's an on is that Raine is trans too. Also one of my friends said a part sounded like it was leading into smut but I promise you it doesn't

TW: Unsafe Binding

The whole day was spent planning on a way to take down the collector, save King and the Boiling Isles "If we do that it will cause more destruction." Hunter chipped in as Luz suggested a horrible plan.

"I have to agree with Hunter on this one, it would cause more destruction than what has already happened." Eda said in agreement.

"We can continue planning later but right now dinner is ready." Lilith said interrupting the discussion.

It was one of Hunter's favourite times of the day, he got up from where he sat with Edric and sprinted over to the table. He got a pretty large serve of the stew and started to chow down.

"Ya might want to slow down kid, we don't want ya to choke." Eda said as she saw how fast Hunter was eating.

"Sorry.." Hunter replied with his mouth full, he slowly put down his spoon that had even more stew piled on top.

Luz gasped "Hunter! You have curly hair?!" She exclaimed.

"Oh.. yeah, I guess the hair gel and spray is finally washing out." He replied.

Lilith smiled "I have no idea why you started slicking it back Hunter, your curly hair always looked nice." She said as old memories of Hunter as a small child ca,e back.

"You can't talk Lilith, you straightened your hair too. You even dyed it." Hunter retorted sassily.

"Please stop arguing. Can we just eat in peace?" Raine asked.

The others grumbled but stopped their bickering. "How's Hunter's flute lessons going?" Darius questioned Raine.

"He's going pretty good, he knows most of the basics now." They replied picking pieces of radish out of the stew.

Their small conversation was interrupted by the sound of a coughing fit coming from Hunter, Raine got up and walked over to him, they crouched beside the boy "Are you okay Hunter?"

Hunter shook his head in response "How about we go outside?" They suggested grabbing a cup of water for the boy.

Hunter's coughing had calmed down a bit and he got up following the bard outside. He took the cup and sat down taking a few sips from it "Do you know what caused your coughing fit?" They asked.

Hunter slowly nodded "Can you tell me what caused it?"

Hunter paused for a second and mumbled something "Could you speak up please?"

"I blinded for too long." He muttered "And before you ask , yes, I'm trans."

"How long have you been binding without taking it off?" Raine asked now going into parantal mode.

"At least two and a half days, I kinda forgot about it." He replied.

"Oh my titan. What do you bind with?"

"Bandages, why?"

"How about you go take a shower and I'll find something loose for you to wär and in the morning I'll see if I have any of my old binders laying around."

Hunter nodded and got up to go back inside, he held the door open waiting for Raine. Once inside Hunter went off to go shower while Raine dogged through boxes of supplies looking for clothes.

"What's going on Rainstorm?" Eda asked walking up behind the bard.

"Looking for clothes for Hunter." They replied putting a box on a shelf.

"I might have a Bad Girls Coven shirt in a bag that might fit him." She said grabbing a bag "Ah hah! Here it is!" She exclaimed holding up a purple tshirt with brightly coloured designs on it.

Raine grabbed the shirt and a pair of shorts and knocked on the bathroom door "I'm going to leave the clothes on the sink, okay." The cracked the door open slightly and placed the clothes down then shut the door.

After a few minutes Hunter left the bathroom in the over sized Bad Girls Coven shirt and a pair of loose black shorts.

Hunter went back over to Edric and sat down, Edric's face looked  like a tomato "You look good." He said.

"These are just clothes that were laying around, I'm sure I don't look that good." Hunter replied.

"I may not have my glasses on but I'm sure my eyes aren't deceiving me."

Hunter smiled and a light blush dusted his cheeks, at that moment Raine announced it was time to sleep as the next day they put their plan into motion. Ed got up and went to his own bed as Flapjack chattered in Hunter's ear.

"I do not have a crush on him!" He whisper yelled to the palisman.

Hunter sighed and layed down holding his Sprig plushie close, tommorow they were going to stop the collector, the nerves wouldn't stop brewing in his stomach. He quietly got out of bed and looked out the window, he knew a few hours had passed at the moon was now high in the sky.

He grabbed a cup and poured himself some water "Are you okay?" The sleepy voice of Edric questioned.

"Uhh.. yeah?" Hunter responded grabbing the cup.

"I don't think you are." Ed replied now sitting on the other boys bed.

"Yes I am." He retorted while sitting next to Ed.

"Do you want a hug?" Ed asked.

Hunter nodded and put his cup down. Edric enveloped the other in a hug and Hunter melted into the embrace, he put his arms around the other. Soft sniffles came from the blonde and tears fell onto Ed's shirt.

Edric rubbed Hunter's back in a comforting way and let him cry into his shoulder. Ed knew everyone was on edge for the day to come but especially Hunter as he would have to go back to the castle, the place he had tried so hard to escape from.

Hunter soon fell asleep in Edric's arms and once again Ed had turned into a tomato. Ed carefully laid back making sure not to wake Hunter, after around 20 minutes Edric had fallen asleep too.

The next morning Luz and Amity both took pictures of the two boys for black mail. When Hunter and Edric woke yo they were both blushing messed and kept apologiesing to each other.

Breakfast was served soon after everyone had woken up. Everyone got gdressed and packed their bags for the supplies they needed. Everyone had been split into teams, Eda, Raine, Luz and Darius were the first and main team. Alador, Amity, Emira, Lilith and Hooty made up the second team. Amber, Gus, Willow, Matt and Steve were in the third. Darwin, Kataya. Hunter and Edric in the final team.

The main team had made it to the entrance of the castle, all the other teams were on stand by at different points of the castle.

The Collector giggled "Looks like you friends have finally come to play." The said with a mischievous smirk looking at King "Let the game begin."

End of Chapter 5. I hope you enjoyed.

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