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So for this fic I had to make a backstory for the Collector, it may not be accurate if Dana ever makes a back story for them but here is mine.

TW: brief mentions of blood and death

When the collector was born he was called 'the child of the stars' due to their abnormal white hair. As a child the collector was always alone, he hurt all children that interacted with him wether emotionaly or qhysicly depended on his mood. At a very young age the collector had very strong magic, much stronger than regular witches for his age. It soon spiraled out of control one night when his father was out on a hunt with other beast hunters. No one knew what caused it but in the process they killed their mother. His father came home to the sight of the small child sobbing over their mother body with the blood on their hands. The collector begged for foregiveness but all their father did was banish the child from the house and town. The collector tried to befriend the town children but every one knew what he did. In a final act to seek comfort the collector befriended the titan and they became good friends. In the time the collector befriended the Titan their form changed to the one we see today with one side yellow and the other blue, this happened as they grew more powerful. the collector spiraled out of control once more and nearly destroyed the whole demon realm. The titan then turned its back on the collector and sealed them in the mirror, now they seek comfort in any living being they can get their hands on. He plays constant games to distract himself from the past but it will always catch up with them, one way or another. And the collector makes pinky promises because he doesn't want people leaving and abandoning him like their father did.

A new chapter will hopefully be out on Monday.

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