Chapter 3: My Work, My Life

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Sandra stepped into her house and looked around, noting that her parents had already arrived home less than an hour ago, according to her glasses, which were connected to the security systems.

"Mom? Dad?" She called out, walking up the stairs.

There was a thumping sound upstairs and she heard a door swinging open.

"Hey, darling!" Her dad wrapped an arm around her shoulders. "You're back from school late. You weren't in detention were you?"

"No." Sandra smiled. "Just doing extracurriculars."

"Well that's great!" Her mom grinned. "How was Mrs. Howler? Isn't your class going to the zoo next week?"

"She's fine." Sandra answered. "Still teaching fifth grade. I think she's going to retire next year."

"Well isn't that a shame?" Her mom sighed. "I hope your new teacher gives you good grades too."

Sandra shrugged. "I'm still trying to convince him that he's not an alien, so we'll see."

"Your teacher thinks he's an alien?" Her dad smiled. "That's just so adorable! Hey, you should be an alien for Halloween this year!"

"Sounds fun." She smiled. "I'm going to head off to bed now."

"Oh, want us to come read you a bedtime story?" Her mom asked.

Sandra took a step back. "I think I'm too tired for a story tonight, thanks Mom."

"Okay, sweetie! I love you!"

"I love you too."

"Don't let the bed bugs bite!" Her dad called out as Sandra was shutting her bedroom door.

Sandra sighed and sat down in her chair, pulling out her bun and running a hand through her hair. She leaned forward and cursed under her breath.



Sanda pulled on her jacket and grabbed her computer, along with some papers. She stuffed it into a duffel bag and looked around, nodding to herself.

She turned to the door and opened it just in time for her mom to appear in the doorway.


Found it." Her mom smiled. "Thanks for the help, baby. Have fun at school, okay?"

"Will do." Sandra replied. "Tell Dad I said hi."

Her mom smiled. "Of course! I'll see you tonight."

Sandra waited for her mom to wave goodbye before the woman went downstairs. Sandra almost moved toward the roof, but quickly corrected herself and headed for the garage.

"Wheeljack?" She called out, looking at the white, green, and orange car. "Are you awake, yet?"

The headlights turned on and the door swung open. "I am now."

Sandra nodded and stepped inside. "Back to the Autobot base, I'm guessing?"

"Right on."

A groundbridge opened in front of them, almost surprising the coffee out of Sandra's hands. Wheeljack drove in and soon enough, Sandra was back among the other titans.

"Still all robots, I see." Shd noted. "You guys are really determined. I'm kind of impressed."

"Were the other three humans as disbelieving as this one?" Ultra Magnus asked.

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