Chapter 3: wait, WHAT?

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You and Mk are currently screaming, riding in a jet with full speed isn't the best idea. You see the group facing off Red son upside down. You can vomit anytime at the amount of speed and how the jet is literally upside down.

"WATCH OUT- SHIIIII—" you yell before the jet crashes into the fire demon who screams. The jet turns into rubble as it lands with Red Son becoming one with the ground.

You groan as you get out of the rubble, seeing Mk's arm peeking out you quickly pull him out. You have a sort of peaceful moment but your interrupted by Mei who tackles you and Mk into a hug.

"MK! Y/N! YOU WERE BLASTED INTO THE FIRE! AND Y/N WENT WITH YOU! AND WE THOUGHT YOU BOTH WENT POOOOU— AAAAAH! and, where'd you get a jet? Way too crash it already- and- ouh! Monkey King, did you find him?" Mei says way too quickly which makes you laugh a bit before calming down. Meanwhile Mk is too slow to process the words so you answer for him.

"Oh, so you see we did find him but being the stupid monkey he is, told us to figure it out ourselves." You answer with a shrug. Mei mumbles something before suddenly the ground shakes making you get out of the rubble and landing onto the floor. The group looks up at the.. very giant DBK that's destroying the city left and right.

"AND HOW ARE WE SUPPOSED TO FIGHT THAT !?" Tang yells while Mk jumps off the rubble, landing beside you. "We have to believe in ourselves.." Mk says with confidence. "You guys clean the streets, I'll stop the Demon Bull King—" He says with a bright smile which is cut off by a green explosion ringing out. You mentally take a picture of the scene. "..somehow." You and Mk say at the same time.

"Yeah.. this jet would've been.. really useful." Mei says in defeat. You smirk, knowing that there's another vehicle in the rubble. You kick it and poof! A motorcycle! Mei looks at it with sparkles in her eyes as Mk quickly goes up to it. "That'll work!" Mk says with excitement.

"Get 'em buddy!/ Kick their ass!" Mei and you yell as he grins, determined to kick bull ass.

As you and the others arrive, your immediately surrounded by bull clones. You quickly get a pipe that laid on the ground, it should do for a weapon. The fight began as the bull clones charged and continued with the sound of a pipe repeatedly hitting bull clones. You looked behind to see that the others have knocked out the other bull clones.

As the group continued to clean the streets with ease, a sudden roar from Dbk is heard making you and the group look at the direction of the sound to see Mk is nowhere in sight. The ground shakes beneath you and Sandy comes in a clutch by taking you and the other three in his arms, shielding the group from the shower of rocks.

You cough out dust as the group gets out of the rubble. "Now.. this world is truly MINE!" Dbk says in joy as he walks away. You quietly snort, dude hasn't taken over the whole world he's only taken a city. You look at the group when suddenly they all run to where Mk was at, you sighed as you joined in on following them.

You and the group watch the epic fight of Mk, with his huge Mech. It was so cool seeing all of it in first person. The fight ends as the sky clears into a light orange, you see PIF leave with her family and Mei yells for Mk to come down, in which he does. "Without you, the city would've been toast!" Mei says, even though the city is actual toast with the massive crater. "I mean, there's a massive crater, I say it's kind of toast Mei." You say as Mei and Mk just laughs.

"You did good kid, you did real good." Pigsy joins in. Your suddenly pulled into a group hug by Sandy. The group decided to eat some noodles except for beating up more bad guys.

You sighed. You decided to separate from the group, wanting some alone time to yourself. You walked through the busy streets, littered with neon lights that light up the city. You look around for a bit until you find yourself stopping at a dark alleyway. "Y/N..." a distant voice calls out to you from the alleyway, you gulp as your back shivers. Suddenly a pair of purple eyes glow from the alleyway.


You turn your eyes somewhere else and quickly walk away, wanting to avoid what you just saw in the alleyway. You feel like someone's following you, burning holes through your back. You did not sign up for this. You pick up the pace to full on running, doing quick turns to try to lose the person following you. Where the fuck did the crowd of people go!?

You finally see Pigsy's noodle shop and run to it, making you burst into the shop, panting heavily as the group looks at you in confusion. "Y/N? You good?" Mei says in worry as you try to catch your breath, you inhale and exhale slowly. "Im.. fine." You say as you look through a window, trying to look for the person following you. Mk and Mei look at eachother.

"Did something happen? You look like you just ran a marathon here." Mk says. You gulp, "someone.. was following me.." you answer as you look at the floor. The group widens their eyes and come up to you to comfort you. "What did they look like?" Mei says as she rubs comforting circles on your back. "I..don't know." You say as you look outside the window again.

You sigh in relief, glad you could get here before the stranger could catch you. You turn to the group. "Im gonna go to sleep." You say as you let out a yawn, the group waves you goodbye, wishing you stay safe and you wave back. Quickly making it to your apartment.

You unlock the door to your room, turning on the lights, you take off your shoes, going into the bathroom to change. You look in the mirror as you wash your face. 'Who was following me?' You think, as you brush your teeth. Purple eyes.. in a dark alleyway... don't fucking tell me.

it's that emo monkey.

Gosh, why did he have to appear so early? It's only the first episode! Give me a break! You sigh. Quickly taking a shower and changing, you flop onto your bed. You scream into your pillow before closing your eyes to fall asleep.

"Sweet dreams." A voice whispers into your ear, you quickly open your eyes and sit up. Turning your lamp on and looking around, seriously? Cant even sleep in peace? You groan in annoyance. "Just- leave me alone." You mumble as you lay back down, putting the blanket over your head and finally going to sleep. Not noticing the purple eyes and smirk glowing from the shadows.

A/N: yeah a bit of a short chapter! But damn Macaque really coming in on the first episode.
- 1233 words

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