Chapter 17: Overslept

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A/N: yo this actually took so long for no damn reason, but yk how bad my update schedule is so sorry!

The sun casted over your face, making you flinch from the harsh light.

Groggily, you sit up and look around your apartment. Fortunately, the days have been uneventful. It almost seemed as if it was a normal world.

As if, you were back to your previous life, average life, average family.


Is it you, or are you starting to forget who your parents were?


But you know that there are still some villains creeping around the corners.

"Morning sleepyhead, I've been trying to wake you up for decades." The familiar voice of Rei pops up next to you.

Your hand shuffles through your hair and you rub your eyes. "Heh.. sorry to keep you waiting." You reach out to your phone to check the time.

"11 PM!? Geez I really slept that long?" You've already missed breakfast..Pigsy is really gonna get mad at you for this.

"Chop chop now, you've a got a whole day ahead of you." Rei throws you an outfit from your closet.

You frantically change into your outfit, wash your face, comb your hair, put on the good old eyepatch, maybe put on some light makeup... (this is optional ^^)

You then head out to the bustling city!


"Why is it so quiet...?" Normally, it would be loud with the people talking, cars driving through, all of that stuff, but right now, it's eerie, quiet, scary almost.

Your eyes drift around, everyone's asleep.


"How could I forget!?" Suddenly, your phone starts ringing.

' Sleep Bug! Download it in the App Store now! '

Your hand starts clenching the phone, but you just place it inside your bag as you don't wanna break it. Like geez, how does Mk just casually throw his phone so carelessly? Devices, in general, are just pretty darn expensive.

"Great. I need to find the Cloud place, but where?" You get your favorite soda at a vending machine while thinking. For some reason, the soda you love from your previous life exists here. Well, they did change up the names a bit, but the flavor is obviously the same.

Anyways, from what you remember.. The cloud seemed to be located in the middle of nowhere.

You scratched the back of your head, this is harder than you thought.

"THE GAME PUT EVERYONE TO SLEEP!" A booming voice echoes around the city. "That's right! MK!" You run to the location of the voice.


"Y/N!?" "MK!"

You were about to hug him but he beat it to you.

"I finally found someone that's NOT asleep!" He was overjoyed by the fact that he wasn't alone.

You laugh and pat his back. "Well actually, I kind of overslept so I survived the weird virus thingy"

"Ooh.. no wonder you weren't at work. Pigsy was fuming!" You nervously look away, you sure are gonna get one hell of a lecture later.

He then makes a weird vehicle and blasts off, you follow behind him with your electricity power.


[DISCONTINUED]Accidental Universal Travel. | Lego Monkie Kid x reader-insert. Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя