Chapter 2: Monkey Man

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How great. All of you are now squished inside Pigsy's Van, and it's absolute chaos. You don't know why you were dragged along on this journey. You never asked to go with them.. but here you are.

"PIGSY! WATCH WHERE YOUR GOING! YOUR GONNA GET US KILLED!" Tang says in panic as the van continues to drive at a very quick pace while doing quick turns and swerves. You almost vomit, this chaotic drive is making you dizzy and sick.

"Yeah, we have to get to Flower Fruit Mountain without getting smushed in a car crash." Mk says while showing a book to show a drawing of Flower Fruit Mountain. "We just need to cross an ENTIRE ocean, Simple!"

"How exactly are we gonna somehow get a van through an entire ocean exactly?" You cut in as Mk heavily thinks making you deadpan at him.

"Ugh shut it you big babies.. I know a guy that can take us there. The most dangerous, fearsome warrior I've ever known.." Pigsy suddenly stops the van with a screeech, almost making your head get hit making you yelp in surprise.

You groan while rubbing your head, annoyed by him almost making the whole group break their skulls. "Sandy is pretty nice though.." You mumble to yourself while looking away but it doesn't go unheard by Pigsy, who looks at you suspiciously but won't push it, for now.

As the four of you enter the strange boat and sit on the couch, Mei, Mk, and Pigsy look up at Sandy in fear as you just look up with a soft smile.

"I know it's a lot to take in.. you know what I do to people who disrupt the peace?" Sandy says rather ominously.


"Serve them tea of course!" The environment suddenly changes with the group calming down due to the amount of felines in the room. You and Tang get a cup of tea, you sip on it..

Damn the tea is surprisingly refreshing.

Suddenly the peaceful moment is interrupted by Pigsy who slams his hand on the table.

"Sandy? What happened to you!? Where is the angry, glass chewing, fist throwing buddy I used to know!?" Pigsy yells while grabbing Sandy by the shirt. Who the fuck chews glass.

Sandy laughs at such and places Pigsy down. "Oh Pigsy, My therapist said I needed to calm down so I started drinking tea! Doing Yoga! Investing in therapy cats. Really helps."

"Geez maybe I should of done that.." you mumble, thankfully being unnoticed by the others. You tend to speak things out before actually thinking about it. Your mental health isn't the best.

"Um Mr.Sandy, sir? We could really use your help, we gotta get to flower fwuit mountain!" Mei says in a baby-like voice and puppy eyes which you snort at. "Pwease? The fate of the world is at state" Mk joins in.



"Really?" Mk says in disbelief. Huh, that was all it took to convince him?

"Yeah! Anything for Pigsy. I can get you there but it ain't a pleasant trip.." Sandy says as Mk and Mei celebrate and jump around in excitement.

As the boat set sails your currently inside the boat, having a sip of tea peacefully until you suddenly hear Pigsy approach you.

"Hey.. I wanna know, how did you know that Sandy doesn't fight anymore?" He says with a serious face as you simply smile, setting your cup of tea down. "Well Sandy actually saved my life. You see, I crashed into the ocean and he saved me from drowning. When I talked to him, he was pretty nice! So I doubt he was actually some kind of warrior.."

[DISCONTINUED]Accidental Universal Travel. | Lego Monkie Kid x reader-insert. Where stories live. Discover now