Jade took her seat once again, as Admiral Beau took the podium continuing with the boringness of the ceremony. Norman leaned ever so slightly into Jade, "Wicked Speech Ren."

Jade gave a slight nod to Norman, "Thanks Stealer,"

Finally, Admiral Beau reached the end of his speech, "Congratulations Top Gun Graduates! You're dismissed for the first time as graduates, go see your families and get some food."

Jade lept up from her chair and RAN to her father - who welcomed her with open arms, "I actually did it!" She exclaimed jumping up and down as her mother, Penny, Bradley, and Sarah approached - closely followed by some other Top Gun 86' graduates

"Oh shit!" Bradley wrapped his arms around Jade and spun her around, before setting her down, "I mean I knew it was you but like - holy shit! The speech left me with tears!"

He faked whipping tears from his face and Jessica gave her daughter a side hug, "Just like his father - over dramatic, Congrats sweetheart!" She kissed Jade on the forehead.

Jade scowled, "Mom! Not in front of the other pilots!" She gently pulled away from her mom.

Penny simply smiled watching the exchange as she stood with Pete, Sarah came up to Jade next, "I'm so proud of you dear, and your speech was beautiful," Sarah hugged Jade and whispered, "And you know damn straight he's up there throwing a party, he's so proud you have to know that."

Jade nodded as Sarah pulled away, "I know that." Sarah handed Jade a large brown paper bag, "What's this for?"

Sarah smiled, "Well Ron here," Slider stepped forward slightly, "had an idea that I thought was good and we decided to get you something."

Jade raised her eyebrow, "We?" Squinting her eyes at the two bashful individuals in front of her, "Damn just sliding in there aren't ya?" Jade joked as she slipped a piece of gum in her mouth, "Seriously I'm only playing - I'm happy for ya. Do I open it now?"

Sarah nodded, "Yeah, you'll need it for the mission." She stated plainly.

"The mission?" Jade mumbled as she broke the tape sealing the bag shut. She peered inside and gasped quickly reaching in for the familiar helmet - surely it was newer based on the model alone but she'd recognize the silver and blue helmet anywhere. It was Iceman's helmet design - everything the same - except for the name labeled under the right lighting bold it read 'Renegade'.

Slider spoke next, "I know you weren't home and I know you aint over his death yet... You needed a new helmet after the crash so we thought -" Jade threw herself into her Aunt Sarah and Uncle Ron's arms.

She would treasure this gift forever, "Thank you so much." She hugged them tightly.

When she exited the hug, she quickly ran inside the club - taking off her cap and testing out the helmet, she gave a thumbs up to her Aunt before taking it off - exiting, and returning her cap to her head. She stood with her family a little while longer before Admiral Beau appeared.

"Admiral Beau," Jade acknowledged him, "Are we leaving soon?"

He nodded, "Yes, but first I believe a congratulation is in order." He shook Jade's hand once more, "You should be very proud - all of you." he first pointed to Pete, then to the rest of the crowd of the family that had surrounded Jade. He motioned toward the brown bag at Jade's feet, "What's in there?"

Jade smiled, "My new helmet. Thankfully, needed one for later today."

Admiral Beau smiled, "Of course you do. Also I'd advise you two," pointing to Pete and Jade, "To head back, get changed into flight gear, and get that new helmet set up. It begins now."

Beau turned around, but Jade stopped him short, "Sir, I - I'd like a RIO or WSO for this mission if at all possible."

Beau turned to Jade, "I don't want you flying without one for a few months - come time for the mission you can decide then."

He then walked away, leaving Jade and all the other pilots to prep for the Doom Squad's initial meeting. They'd all be arriving late and be introduced upon entrance - what a way to be initiated into the world of the best fighter pilots. A parade before you entered what will very well be the end of most of the pilots in that room.

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