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Austin's POV 

I'm sweating and confused. there are people rushing all around me, and moving me around. I'm pretty sure they're inserting different needles and wires in my body but i don't notice. I don't feel any pain at all. I look around but my vision keeps giving out. I think i'm dying. I look up and a man is holding a mask, slowly lowering it down to my face. As It covers my mouth my sight gives in completely. 

"Help me, help me please" 

I try to force words out, but nothing happens


I try to yell, but again nothing happens. 

I begin to feel scared.

I hear the people around me talking.. I can only understand some of their comments, but I hear enough to understand what's happening to me;

"I'm not sure if he'll pull through"

"What a shame.."

"I mean, we'll try for a bit longer. but I wouldn't get our hopes up just yet."

"Does he have family?" 

"We should get the red headed boy in here to say goodbye to him.. He's the decision maker" 

I'm alive! Don't give up on me please! I want to live! 

After moments of silence, Someone touches my cheek 

"I don't know if you can hear me, but please fight for me, i need you Austin."  It's Alan

Alan I'm alive! I can hear you and  love you!

"I can't lose you Austin! please no. please stay. I know you don't think you're important, but if you hear me i need to to everything you can to get better okay? i need you, please Aus please" 

I hear Alan sob and my heart becomes heavy. At first It's because I'm upset, but it changes.. It becomes a deep throbbing pain... 

It's fucking unbearable.. 

I try to scream for help, but no one can hear me.. 

Loud beeping comes from the machines all around me, I hear Alan yelling for answers and I just want to hold him and tell him it'll be alright, that i'm fine. But i can't .. because i think i'd be lying.


Awaked With MistakesOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora