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Steve and Axel had been with each other all day. Rogers took his nephew to the park to get some fresh air. There were still quite a few things Axel couldn't do since he was still so young, but Steve made the most of it. He made it back to the compound a few hours later and started to give some toys to Axel. The baby seemed to be having fun. Steve joined him with the toys on the floor.

Anna and Bucky went to the kitchen to get some water when they saw Captain having a good time with their son. James snapped a picture of the uncle and nephew. Little Rogers smacked his chest as they arrived back to their room. Nat and Tony offered to watch Axel if Steve wanted a break, but he said he was fine.

Peter saw Axel when he came over after school. He asked Steve if he could play too. Rogers smiled and nodded at the Spider Boy. The trio was having fun with some toy that sung and lit up when Anna entered the room.

"Can I have my baby back now?" She asked playfully.

"Now? It's only been seven hours." Steve pouted.

"Yes now, Stevie. Thank you for today." Anna smiled as she picked up Axel.

"Anytime, little sis." Rogers hugged her.

Peter asked the mom if he could watch Axel sometime. Anna agreed and left for her room. Bucky greeted his son with a smile. She handed her lover the baby, watching as he rocked Axel back and forth. James got him to sleep in under a minute. Little Rogers was impressed. Metal Man was truly an amazing father to their son.

Anna blushed when Bucky caught her staring. He placed Axel in his crib, sat down on the desk chair, and opened his arms. She took a seat on his lap and wrapped her arms around his neck. Anna kissed Bucky's cheek. Metal Man held the girl tightly, whispering sweet things in her ear. JARVIS informed the couple that Steve and Tony called for a meeting to take place in twenty minutes.

James said they'd be there shortly. Anna pouted, asking if they really had to go. He chuckled at his fiancé and reminded her Tony would kill them if they didn't show. After a few more minutes, Anna got up to get ready. She put on an outfit that she knew Bucky would love.

The girl wore a black short sleeved shirt matched with a short black skirt. She slipped into a pair of fishnets, completing the look with black wedges. Anna left her hair down and walked out of the bathroom. Bucky's jaw dropped as he watched her walk towards him. His hands were immediately on the girl's hips. He tried to slip one of those hands under her skirt, but she pushed it away.

"Sorry Soldier. You're going to have to wait." Anna winked at her lover.

"Doll, you're killing me." Bucky shifted where he sat.

"JARVIS can you ask Peter to watch Axel, please?" She called out.

"Yes, Ms. Rogers." JARVIS replied.

Anna gestured for Bucky to follow her. He shook his head. Metal Man had a little bit of a problem and was too embarrassed to stand up. Little Rogers sat back down on his lap, earning a groan from her lover. He started kissing her neck and leave hickies everywhere. Annabelle pulled back, telling Bucky they had to go. Her eyes said something different but Peter knocked before anything could continue.

"Hi Mr. Barnes! Hi Annie!" Peter greeted happily.

"Hey Peter! Thank you so much for watching Axel for us. We promise we'll be giving you a full update on anything that happens during the meeting." Anna went over to hug Peter.

"It's no problem! Mr. Stark doesn't really like me going to meetings anyways. May told me no missions until I graduate." Spider Man shrugged, leaving to go in and check on Axel.


At the meeting, Tony introduced everyone to a new blue print. He was planning on adding another floor to the compound, as well as putting in a bigger kitchen and dining area. Steve asked if Stark needed the team to go stay elsewhere while construction was underway. Tony shook his head no. The people who would be working on the compound wouldn't be in anyone's way, nor would the Avengers be in theirs.

Anna smiled at Tony. He seemed really happy to be expanding. Captain gave Stark a pat on the back and congratulated Iron Man on his new plan. Bucky remained silent, as he usually did in meetings. It's not that he wasn't happy for Tony, he was! James just isn't a big talker and doesn't interact with a lot of people. Sam, Nat, Wanda, and Clint all said their congratulations then went back to whatever is was they were doing.

Little Rogers was just thankful Tony didn't mention any missions coming up. She didn't want Bucky to have to leave with Axel being so young. She already told Tony she wouldn't be going on any missions until their son was at least six months old. Peter doesn't graduate for another two years, so he would be the one asked to watch Axel if Anna and Bucky went on missions together. James reassured his fiancé that he won't be going until she does.

Peter and Axel were taking a nap on the couch when Anna walked in. She snapped a picture, sent it to Bucky, then woke up the Spider Boy. Peter smiled at the new mom. He apologized for letting the newborn take another nap. Anna shook her head and told him it was fine. Babies need a lot of sleep. The more, the better.

"I can always look after him again whenever you need, Annie." Peter whispered as he placed Axel back in his crib.

"Thank you, Pete. It means so much to us." Anna smiled.

Bucky walked in just as Peter left. Metal Man immediately had his hands on her hips again. He slid one of his hand under her skirt, watching as a light shade of pink creeped across her face. She tried to squirm, but Bucky pushed her up against the wall and started pumping his fingers in her. Anna bit her lip to try to keep herself quiet.

"Doll." Bucky said in a warning voice.

"Soldier." Anna breathed out.

"You're so beautiful, love." He complimented as he sped his pace.

"I-I..." She cut herself off with a moan.

"Don't cum." Bucky growled in her ear.

She nodded, throwing her head against the door from the pleasure. Anna tried to hold back her orgasm. Bucky knew she was getting close. He slid his fingers out of her, earning a whimper in response. Anna had been trying to catch her breath when Bucky crashed his lips onto hers. Little Rogers kissed him back with just as much passion and love as he did. He loved edging his girl and watching her fall apart underneath him.

"I think I should wear things like this more often." Anna whispered.

"I think you're in for a long night, darling." Bucky smirked when he saw how swollen her lips were.

Her Soldier, His DollWhere stories live. Discover now