Chapter 7: Friends

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"The captain LOST! Captain Morgan's been defeated!!" The soldiers shout in exasperation. "Any of you still want to capture us?" Zoro asks them. The soldiers take on look at each other and jump up in celebration. "HOORAY!!" "We're free!" "Morgan's reign of terror is over!!" "Cheers for the Navy!" "Hmph! They're happy we defeated their captain." Luffy says. "That means.. Captain Morgan was ruling by fear!" Koby says happily, realizing the Navy might not be so bad after all. Then suddenly Zoro collapses to the ground. "Zoro!?" "ZORO!!"—

"Hahaha!! I'm stuffed! Not eating for nine days was worse than I thought!!" Zoro says as they finish eating at the restaurant. "See, you'd never have survived the whole month!" Luffy replies. "Funny.. you seem hungrier than me!" "It's kind of you to feed me along with the heroes, ma'am." Koby says to Rika's mother. "It's the least I can do! You three saved the whole town!" "Wow, you're great Luffy!" Rika says. "Yeah, I'm kinda great! And I'm going to become a lot greater!" "So.. what's next?" Zoro asks Luffy. "We're headed for the grand line!" "HUH!? That's suicide!! There are only two of you! If you go there, you'll just be sailing to your deaths! The most bloodthirsty pirates in the world are there!!" Koby argues. "Well, I guess if we're after the 'One Piece'.. The grand line is where we have to go." "Zoro!? You AGREE with him!?" "What's it to you? You're not coming with us." "No, but I'm worried about you! Is that so Wrong!? Can't I worry about.. my friends?" "That's not what I—" "Luffy, we haven't known each other for very long, but.. we're friends, aren't we?" Koby asks. "We're going our separate ways.. but we'll always be friends!!" "You're the first real friend I've ever had.. no one has ever stuck up for me! Even I wouldn't stick up for me! But the two of you.. you taught me to fight for what I believe in!!" "That's why I'm going to the grand line!" Luffy continues. "Makes sense to me." Zoro says. "Wait! That's not what I— I'm trying to convince you that it's too reckless!!" "What are YOUR plans, Koby?" Zoro asks. "Huh?" "You were cabin boy on Alvida's pirate ship for two years. Watch out for the Navy's intelligence. If they find out about your background, they won't let you enlist." Just then. "Excuse me.." A navy officer knocks on the door. "You gentlemen are pirates.. correct?" "That's right. I even have a crewman now! Which makes me a genuine pirate captain!" Luffy answers. "Um.. you save our base and this town.. and we are truly grateful to you. However. We're still Navy Marines.. and we can't shelter pirates. I'm sorry, but I have to ask you to leave. But to show our gratitude, we won't report you to the Navy." "Navy pigs! What are you doing!?" A townsperson shouts. "You hated Morgan as much as we did!" "They're your saviours too!" Some others join in.

"I guess we'll be going, then.. ma'am thanks for the meal.." And Luffy gets up from his seat. "Luffy.." Koby mutters. "You're leaving already?" Rika asks as both Luffy and Zoro walk past Koby and head for the door. "Aren't you going with them?" The officer asks Koby. "Huh? I'm.. I'm.. I I'm not one of them!!" Koby says remembering Luffy's words about them always being friends. "Excuse me, Pirates? Is that true?" "Let me explain. I know all about his past.." "Luffy!? You're not going to.." "See, there was this secret island.. and a big pirate woman.. her name was Alvida!" "Luffy Don't!" Koby panics. "She was really mean.. and for two years, this guy..." "SHUT UP!!" Koby screams as he hits Luffy in the face. Luffy however just smiles and then hits him back. "Why, you—Take that! And This!" Luffy continues to hit Koby. "Enough! Stop disturbing the peace!!" The officer yells. "That's enough! It's clear that you're not friends!! Please, leave this town now!!" And Zoro and Luffy leave the restaurant leaving Koby behind on the ground with his thoughts. 'Was that his plan? Did he goad me into hitting him? He did it again! In the end.. I still depend on his help!! What am I.. HELPLESS!?' "Catch us if you can!" Zoro jokes at some soldiers who bristle in annoyance. 'If I don't depend on myself from now on, then I AM a loser! I'm going to do it! I'm gonna do it!!' Koby thinks. "Please let me join the Navy, Sir!! I'll be a cabin boy, or anything, but just let me join!!" Koby declares as he got up and bowed in salute to the officer. "Lieutenant! I don't think that's a good idea! I still don't trust him! Pirates have been known to plant spies in the navy. We should do a thorough background check on him." Another officer interjects. "I'm not a Pirate! I'm gonna be a Navy officer!!" Koby says with resolute eyes. "Many of my fellow soldiers have been killed by pirates.. don't take being a marine lightly. You're accepted.." "Yes Sir! Thank you very much, Sir!"—

"That was some pretty bad acting.. I wouldn't be surprised if they saw through it." Zoro says as they reach the harbour. "It's all up to Koby, now. He'll get in somehow!" "Well, it's a good time to be leaving.. everybody hates us.. that's the way pirates should leave a town.." Zoro comments as Luffy unties their small boat from the shore. "Hahaha! I guess that's true!" "LUFFY!!" "Koby!" "Thank you very much, captain Luffy! I'll never forget all you did for me!!" "This is a new one. A pirate being saluted by the Navy!" Zoro comments. "Hahaha! We'll meet again, Koby!" "ATTENTION!!" The Navy soldiers had gathered at the harbour to salute Zoro and Luffy together with Koby as they sail away. "You've got some good friends sailor." "Yes, Sir." "Now, it's against regulations to salute pirates like we just did. As punishment, we won't get any dinner for one week!" "Yes, Sir!"

"We're on our way! To the grand line!!" Luffy screams as He and his first crewman, the former infamous demonic pirate hunter Zoro, set sail.. neither of them realizing that they've made one serious mistake..

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