"Right back to the basics, then."

Kunikida started me off with some revision, easy things that I've already mastered.


"Well, I think if I multiply these two together, 14 would be the answer?" I said in an unsure tone.

"Correct. Good job, Y/N. Let's leave it at that for today. I have paperwork to get too," He sighed and pushed up his glasses.

"Okay, Mr. Kunikida! Thank you!" I said as he left the small room. Just as I was about to leave the room, Dazai entered.

"So, Y/N. Do you like your homeschool so far?" He enquired. I nodded and sat back down.

"I was thinking..." I cut Dazai off and interrupted his train of thought.

"That's never good," I mumbled.

"Hey! Anyway, I want to take you and Kyouka to the playground!" He explained. A smile plastered itself on my face, and my body filled up with joy.

"Really? I haven't been to a playground in forever!" I smiled as he picked me up.

Dazai grabbed Kyouka's hand on the way out of the agency, and I was flung over his shoulder. We walked down a few streets, getting a few stares from the background characters. Neither Dazai nor Kyouka noticed them though. Only me. He let me down, off his shoulder, once we arrived at the playground. I could see lots of kids my age having fun. I was eager to go play with them! Dazai let the two of us go, and I made a run for it. Kyouka followed closely behind. I jumped into the sand pit and started building some castles. Kyouka grabbed some toys and resources to help me build my sandcastle. Not long after I started, a small orange-haired girl waddled over to me.

"Hello! I'm Carol! Can I build with you?" She asked politely.

"Yes, of course! Come sit! My name's Y/N, by the way," I patted down to a spot next to me. She sat down, and we started to build our sand castle together.

"Yay, we finally finished it!" I stared at the lump of sand, although to me it looked like the prettiest castle I had ever seen.

"Carol! Time to go home!" I heard a woman shout.

"Awh! I'll be there soon, Emma!" She shouted back.

"Okay then, I've got to go Y/N and Kyouka," Carol looked at me sadly. I mirrored her expression and hugged her goodbye before she ran back to what looked like her family. Two people stood there, waiting for Carol. One had orange hair like Carol, but she looked Kyouka's age. The other one had brown hair neatly tied back in a bun. They both looked so pretty! I would love my hair to be tied back in a bun just like hers.

Kyouka and I left the sand pit, then she started leading me to this big slide. There were lots of obstacles leading up to the slide too! It looked fun, and so I dragged Kyouka up with me. We both made it to the top of the tower, and I tried not to look down. Kyouka grabbed my hand, and I sat in front of her at the top of the slide. She pushed slightly, and we both started to speed up as we made our way down the slide. Dazai was surprisingly waiting for us at the bottom.

"Good job you two!" He exclaimed.

"That was so fun!" I said. The two of us jumped off the slide, then walked back to the main part of the playground. I went down some smaller slides, I climbed up the rock wall, and I even slid down the fireman's pole!

Kyouka and I played around the playground for hours! Dazai called us back to him eventually, but at that time it was nearing late afternoon.

"Did you have fun?" Dazai asked the two of us.

"Yes! Lots and lots of fun!" He grabbed me by the waist and hoisted me up onto his shoulders. He held Kyouka's hand, and then we started walking back towards the agency.

"It was enjoyable," Kyouka muttered under her breath. The three of us continued to walk down the busy streets of Yokohama until we reached our destination. Just as we arrived, Atsushi and Tanizaki were leaving.

"Where are you two going?" Dazai questioned them.

"Kenji's disappeared! Before running alongside Tanizaki, Atsushi blurted out before catching up with Tanizaki and running alongside him.

"How peculiar," Dazai murmured.

"C'mon Dazai, how long will we be out here for?" I bonked him on the head, and his mood immediately brightened up, and he smiled again.

"Sorry Y/N, we're going inside now," he said as we started walking again. We got upstairs, and he let me down off his shoulders. Everybody was engrossed in their computers, typing away and scrolling through pages of words. Even Dazai went straight on his computer after putting me down. Kyouka was nowhere to be found either! I guess that meant I had no one to play with. How boring.

I thought to myself for a minute, why not have some fun? I smirked to myself while grabbing Dolly and walking over to Ranpo.

"Hey Ranpo!" I greeted him. He kept his eyes on the screen, and made a noise, signalling that he was listening.

"Can I go to the store?" I asked.


"Can I buy whatever I want?"


"Can I use your money?"

"Mhm." Poor Ranpo, he was so concentrated on his computer, he wasn't even thinking or taking in what I was saying!

So, I took some money from his wallet and left the agency silently. I walked through the streets until I found myself at the costume shop I wanted to go to. There were lots of costumes inside, and I even spotted costumes from one of my favourite Disney movies. The light blue dress and the white apron gave it away. Next to the dress were some other costumes from the movie; a white rabbit costume and a Queen of Hearts costume.

I purchased a few pieces of clothing. I was surprised when the cashier actually let me buy everything without parental consent. He put all the costumes in a bag and then threw the bag at me. I scuttled out of there quickly, but I bumped into a ginger-haired man with a hat.

"Watch where you're-Huh? A kid? What are you doing out here, kid?" He looked down at me with confusion all over his face.

"I just bought some costumes!" I replied.

"By yourself?" He tilted his head slightly.

"Yes! I took Ranpo's money!" I took some money out to show him.

"Ranpo? Like, Ranpo from the agency?" He crouched down to my level.

"Yes!" I got cut off by someone screaming out my name at the end of the street. Both me and the fancy hat dude looked to see who was calling out in the distance.

"Dazai!" We both said in a surprised tone. Dazai took notice of this, and ran over to me.

"Y/N! Here you are! Everyone's been looking for you!" He brought me in for a hug.

"Chuuya? What are you doing here, with Y/N?" His voice was stern, and he hugged me tighter.

"She walked out of a store and we bumped into each other. She was all alone and..." Chuuya explained.

"Hmph. I guess I'll let you get away with it this time then. But if I see you with Y/N one more time, there will be consequences!" Dazai huffed as he dragged me away with him, not bothering to hear Chuuya's reaction.

I walked nervously beside Dazai. I hoped that he wouldn't be mad at me for what I did. I mean, he wasn't even holding my hand! I just hope there won't be any consequences for my actions.

This chapter is really bad, sorry. It's kind of a filler I guess? Lots of different things happen and it could be chaotic, but I just wanted to make the chapter longer. I will be starting the next chapter a lot sooner then usual and hopefully that one is more enjoyable. This one also isn't edited, I just wanted to get it out by the end of the weekend. Anyway thanks for reading! I appreciate the amount of people reading this! 

𝑸𝒖𝒂𝒏𝒕𝒖𝒎 𝑻𝒆𝒍𝒆𝒑𝒐𝒓𝒕𝒂𝒕𝒊𝒐𝒏 (𝑩𝑺𝑫 𝒙 𝑪𝒉𝒊𝒍𝒅 𝑹𝒆𝒂𝒅𝒆𝒓)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant