Tragedy of errors

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One evening, a mother and father were invited to a party.  They couldn't get in touch with their usual midwife, so they decided to ask their neighbor, an old woman, to take care of their six-month-old baby.  The old lady said that she would be happy to help him.

  They told her that they had to leave by 8 pm, but when the time came, the old lady still had not come.  The husband gave her a phone call and asked her what is taking her so long.

  "Oh, I'm sorry", said the old woman.  "I forgot all about it. I'll come now."

  When the old woman came to the door, the parents were already getting in the car.  He instructed the old lady to put the child to bed at 9 pm and put the chicken in the oven so that it could be cooked for the next day's dinner.

  While the couple were at the party, Mom decided to call home and see the babysitter.  When the old woman answered the phone, the mother asked if she had yet put the child to bed.

Oh, I'm sorry", said the old woman. "I forgot all about it.  I'll do it now."

  "And have you put the chicken in the oven?"  asked the mother.

  "Oh, I'm sorry", said the old woman again.  "I forgot all that too. I'll do it now."

  Mom just closed her eyes and hung up the phone.  She really couldn't complain as the old lady was taking care of the kids for free.

  After the party, the parents went home and when they opened the front door, the old lady was there to greet them.  He thanked the old lady for taking care of her child and she went home.  The mother decided to go upstairs to check on the baby, but when she walked into the child's bedroom, she was shocked to see a raw chicken lying in the crib.

  Downstairs the husband could smell the smoke coming out of the kitchen.  He opened the oven and shouted up to his wife "You won't believe it, darling! That fluffy old lady went and burned our chicken dinner!"

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