564 🩺 Time For A Change Of Pace

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It breaks my heart.


Jongho had been tired as all hell ever since dragging himself out of bed at five am, giving himself about two and a half minutes to get ready before kissing his mother goodbye and leaving the flat.

He usually made a habit of avoiding mass gatherings like the plague, and after he and Yeosang had split, he'd hated them even more...

But for once, even though he felt like death-warmed-up, he felt relatively okay stepping off the bus at the crack of dawn.

Pulling his hoodie around his shoulders and thanking god that it was becoming warmer these days, he walked the last of the way to the grand old building that was no other than Pancake Manor.

Being a weekday in the café district, there were actually quite a few people about enjoying the morningness that he could have gone without.

However as he looked up from his shoes scuffing along the sidewalk, he caught sight of his friend, and with it, he felt a pang in his chest.

To put it simply, saying he'd been shocked reading through the text messages in their group chat last night, would have been a grand understatement. Jihoon had always been one of the boys, part of just about every sports team, a regular at only the biggest Friday/Saturday night parties, and attractive enough with a magazine built body to attract anyone he could ever want to sleep with.

As far as he was aware, Lee had never had a serious girlfriend, though not for any other reason other than because he had so many women flocking around him and Kim, that he could have a different girl in his bed each night of the week if he pleased. He was simply too invested in his hockey, among other sports, to care for "getting to know" any of them.

But yet, there Lee was, at the crack of dawn, carrying two crates of what looked like milk towards the staff entrance of the Manor, with an incredibly petite, cute boy in an apron following along beside him with his arms full, just carrying one.

'Well I'll be damned,' he breathed to himself. So he does have a boy.

He supposed life was full of surprises, and so why should his straight-as-fuck school friend not have one too?

With Lee having disappeared inside, he walked up to the corner of the old, aesthetic building, and sat down on one of the garden chairs outside. He had to admit, it was a nice place, with florists in the neighbouring shopfronts, and an antiquities store across the street. No cars allowed in this part of town, it felt almost like he'd stepped into a foreign country for a moment, into the narrow streets of France or Rome.

But all of that fled his mind, when he heard an, 'oh?' come from behind him, and he turned to see his school friend approach his little garden table to sit opposite him.

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