423 🩺 Last Day Of Freedom

400 44 46

'Min-ah! Yunho's here!'

Glancing up from the bathroom sink, Mingi spat out the toothpaste foam from his mouth and rinsed the soap clean away. 'Coming~'

Ruffling his hair, he couldn't help but feel a little jittery. Walking down the hall, he felt like a teenager again, excited to meet his crush...

And when he looked up to see Yunho in the doorway, jean-clad with that beautifully fitting grey sweater pulled across his chest, his butterflies doubled. He looked so incredibly homely, and dear god, it made his heart flutter...

'Morning~' Mingi said gently, smiling as he waved a little. Walking up to him, he reached out and gently slipped his fingertips down the inside of his wrist, listening to the soft exhale of breath the brunette let out.

'Morning...' Yunho whispered, staring down fondly at their hands gently laced together... His expression was so incredibly soft, and his lip caught ever so slightly under one tooth as he became lost in their touch...

'Well I suddenly feel incredibly out of place,' announced San, clearing his throat from behind them.

Mingi almost choked, not even having seen him through his distraction. 'You really have a habit of just being around, don't you?'

'Funny that, what with me living here and all,' he said, no doubt rolling his eyes as he made his escape.

Feeling his cheeks blushing, as he glanced up at Yunho, he saw the soft fondness filling his eyes as they fixed on him. Standing alone with their hands gently laced together, it felt surreal. The sweetness in the air between them was starting to feel like a constant, and the fact that nothing had changed overnight...

It was beautiful...

'Well that was awkward...' Mingi whispered shyly.

And he melted as he saw Yunho's lips pull up in the corner. 'I think I'm getting used to it...'

Giggling, he reached his free hand up to cover his blushing cheeks with his sweater-covered hand. He blinked down, glancing at their hands, before he felt his heart thud in his chest as Yunho stepped forward and hugged him, taking a deep breath and resting his chin on his shoulder. Those strong arms closed around his back, holding him warmly, and the potent scent of his aftershave overtook his senses...

He was left almost stunned. Yunho was becoming so brave, so quickly... He was acting out - probably mostly by impulse, but even so, every time Yunho stole away a kiss or gently caressed his skin, it made his heart melt just that little bit more. It was almost like he didn't care about anything else other than spending little moments with him, ignorant of what was going on around them...

'Min? You alright?'

Snapping from his thoughts, he blinked a few times, clearing his vision to see Yunho had leant back a little, looking into his face...

And those lips pulled into a small, amused smile. 'Did you just zone out?' he asked, smirking.

He blinked innocently up at him, timidly nibbling on his lip.

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