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Ignore the mistake

Jk: you are really messy, (clean tae's lips with handkerchief)

Tae just giggle's and munch his food

Meanwhile jk was just admiring his baby with loving eyes. Suddenly something came in jk mind and he smirk.

Tae was having a pout while munching suddenly jk put his lips on tae's and lick it.

Suddenly tae push jk which make him fall on floor.


Tae:what do you think you are doing??😶(red as tomato )

Jk just smirk

Jk:claiming my baby as mine And why did you push daddy like that !! It's hurt kitten.

Tae: whose daddy??

Jk: ofcourse yo- wait you are fine now??

Tae:what happened to me ?? I am completely fine, (confuse)

Jk: you know what? I miss my taetae but I was missing you too.

Tae:wtf are you saying??wait what happened after I faint??

In mind of tae:did he took over me?? shit......

Jk:first eat food is getting cold

Tae:no first tell me.

Jk:fine, I can't win with you but you eat and I will
tell you okay??

Tae:ok but who the fuck eat this much?? I mean why did you buy this much food??

Jk:it was you who bought it not me.

Tae:oh!(scratch his nape)

Jk:now eat.

Tae just sit down and put rice on his mouth and jk start to tell him about the party event.

Jk:so after you faint you woke up and the first word we heard  was DADDY an-

Jk suddenly stop when he fell something on his face

It was obviously tae who choke on his rice which flew straight to jk face.

Seeing the scene Infront him make tae more to choke and cough. And there was jk who has close eyes shut, shock as fuck.

Author pov:
(Did jk get angry??will he scold tae now??)


Hope you enjoy 💜

This is so cute 😍😍

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This is so cute 😍😍

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