"Professor Glory if I may." Curtis said.

"What is it Prince Curtis?" Professor Glory asked curiously.

"How about we have the three disciplinary committee officers on one team, this way it could help our teamwork." Curtis said.

I thought about what Curtis said, and it wasn't a bad idea. Nice job Curtis!

"I agree with Curtis, it could benefit us to fight together." I said.

Professor Glory smiled and nodded, "Very good, now who will their opponents be?" Professor Glory asked as she looked around.

"How about the student council." Clive said.

"What?!" Tess yelled.

"Oh now that is interesting, disciplinary committee vs student council. However, there are only two of you, and three of them. Who will join the student council's team?" Professor Glory asked as she looked around.

"I can join them for this battle."

I looked to the sound of the voice, and saw a scrawny little spit fu- *cough*.

I mean, I saw a young elvish boy with slightly pointed ears, pale skin, platinum blonde shoulder length hair, and piercing yellow eyes with his hand raised.

"Lucas Wykes, very well you may join the student council's team. But just know, I am aware of what happened in the Beast Glades, and will tolerate no such behavior. I will be watching you." Professor Glory said in a serious tone.

*Tch*, Lucas just made a click of his tounge, "Yes professor".

'So this is the Lucas Elijah talked about.' I said mentally.

'Doesn't look like much. I bet his legs would break by just stepping on them.' Sylvie said mentally.

Professor Glory then activated her dimensional ring and a pile of training gear dropped out. "Alright everyone, get dressed in this training gear. It will protect you to a certain degree, and will let you know when you are out of the fight." Professor Glory said.

We all nodded and went to get changed. As I was getting changed, Sylvie jumped off my head, and went to go sit on a boulder. I looked over to Tess and saw she was having trouble with some of her padding. I noticed Clive was walking over to help her out. I quickly made my way to her before Clive got there.

"Need some assistance, President?" I asked.

Tess turned and saw me, and gave a little smirk. I would appreciate it, Captain." Tess said.

I started to help Tess with her safety gear, as Clive walked up to us.

"Commo-Captain, I can take it from here." Clive said as he glared daggers at me.

*Grrr* I could feel Sylvie glaring at Clive through our bond.

"It's fine, I got it." I said in a monotone voice as Tess and I ignored Clive. I could hear him let out a huff in anger.

"As the vice president and her teammate, I should be the one helping so-"

"Clive, go away. He's helping me." Tess said in an irritated voice. Clive's face contorted in anger.

"I'll see you on the battlefield, Captain Leywin." Clive said as he stormed off.

"He is really testing my patience." I said.

"Same with me, he's already asked me to the dance twice now. I've rejected him both times, but he won't take no for an answer. I just don't know how to get it through his thick skull." Tess said with a sigh.

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