Part 28

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I am very sorry I have been behind a close friend of mine was killed in a car accident and my mine has been...slow

I did have like 2k more words in this chapter
but I wanted to go ahead and publish this since it would take me days to write the rest of the fighting.

But here is the calm before the storm

Flashback Hidden planet, 13 years ago Clan Crim Colony

It showed Wansi Crim crying in the healing chambers. She has only cried a few times in her life. It showed Red in a sterilized tent with the healers having sterilizing gear on surrounding Red's bacta tank. She looked at his body and sobbed. His right shoulder and right arm and some of his back had burnt marks. There were some burn marks surrounding his left eye but no damage to the eye. Red's face had a fresh "/" scar from left to right from a Jedi's lightsaber during the fall of Clan Rord. And some of his right eyesight was damaged from it.

The worst of it all was the decayed skin around his mouth and nose leading towards his lungs from poisonous toxins he got from a gas bombing attempt on the War Chieftain and his high council during the middle of the war. It's turned out that Red discovered the bomb and the few seconds it had left and went to disarm it but he couldn't so he seal locked the room and when he went to escape the gas released itself and when he saw he wasn't going to make it out of the room he closed it.

Wasni remembers how she and all the others watched from the outside of the room minutes later and watch the gas eat at his body.

But he lived.

It was a miracle he lived at all. The toxins left permanent damage to his brain, airways, and some of his digestion systems where he can't eat meat anymore. Even several of his organs were damaged to the point where he needs daily treatments for his body. He was stuck in the bacta tank for 2 months after the toxins got in the body. And even after that, he couldn't leave the Rord compound because of how weak his body was until he was forced to flee when it fell a year and a half later. He was even born prematurely with him being on life support for four months. But still, after all of this Corgos and Daurauss decided he would be the one to carry the love of Mandalore and lead the alliance of the three clans. Many agreed with this because like his ancestor and past War Chieftain "Dubeek the unbreakable" Dubeek the unbreakable lived with many defectives and still trained and struggle for every single step in his life but he still held his head high and earned to be War Chieftain.

Wasni started to remember the main causes for the war. Over 30 years ago.

The assassination bombing of her parents, little sister, and twin brother by the Hutt clans when she was just a child. It was Corgos' mother. Kirn Rord. that found her right after killing the bounty hunters and kept her alive.

The deaths of many of her family members caused her three older brothers to lead a crusade against the Hutt clan in anger.

A lightning strike on their systems drove them to their last fortress on their last planet in a matter of days, The three brothers drove the Hutts to a corner her brothers and several hundred of their warriors with their being 29 cousins mixed from the three clans that were slaughtered by Durge the Mandalore slayer.

It was quickly found out by Mandalorian allies on Coruscant that a couple of dozen senators of the Republic paid Durge to neutralize the Crim brothers. And when exposed the Senators were found innocent through a loophole because all the evidence was Mandalorian warriors' having "illegal" recordings and downloading files on their corruption with direct links to Durge and the Hutt clans and how they profited from them.

The Republic "trial" is still going on. It's a joke.

For some reason the War chieftain and Mandalore before Corgos Rord at the time. Cridan Rord the Undefeated wouldn't call for the three clans' fleets and armies to have vengeance on the Republic.

When questioned about his Cowardice by both family and outsiders Cridan Rord would just walk away and not explain himself

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When questioned about his Cowardice by both family and outsiders Cridan Rord would just walk away and not explain himself. The three clans couldn't figure out why he wouldn't hunt down Durge especially when he defeated Durge 7 times in his life in one on one combat. He humiliated Durge the first time when he was barely 12. And became the youngest War chieftain and Mandalore in history at 13.

Wasni looked at her nephew's brown hair and facial structure and saw how much he looked like his father.

It showed Wasni and all the family praying at the statue of the first Crim praying for Red to live. They were on their knees looking up at the statue of him.

None of them heard the whispers surrounding the statue and the small glow in it's helm

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None of them heard the whispers surrounding the statue and the small glow in it's helm. And back at the bacta tank with Red's blue eyes opening with worry.

It showed four dead Mandalorian scouts with Durge looking at the colony with him starting to walk towards it.

Wanting to kill all the sons and daughters of Crim, and Khal.

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