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Crowley made his way upstairs with a plate of two hard boiled eggs and two slices of toast. Aziraphale hadn't been eating again….yes angels and demons didn't really need food but to suddenly stop eating when your corporation was already accustomed to it wasn't a good idea. 

Crowley finally reached the top and once again the dark purple gaze of Archangel Gabriel met his. "How is she?" Gabriel had returned to his spot in the hallway, leaning against the wall. He did that when he grew tired of pacing. 

"She's better." Crowley replied. "She's getting stronger every day." 

"But she's still in a lot of pain." Gabriel stated. 

Crowley flinched. "Yeah…" 

"Do you think our miracles will ever be able to help her?"

Crowley shrugged. "I don't know…"

Gabriel brushed a hand across his face quickly. "Is there anything I can do?"

Crowley nodded, "She's due for some tea in a bit-" 

Crowley hadn't even finished his sentence when Gabriel shot to his feet and dashed downstairs. "I'll bring it up as soon as it's ready."

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