13. Rinji's fake power

Start from the beginning

Tamami Akagi is the hero named Jem, but only Family knows that she is a pro hero. Long before she became a hero she decided that she would want a secret identity. She was afraid of the challenges having both of her worlds collide. Luckily in Japan they have a few schools that their main goal is to protect the identities of heroes. That means when she was going to school she didn't have any type of sports Festival like this one. Everything was a secret. So Endeavor does not know that Jem is Rojā Akagi, known as The Phoenix's granddaughter.

When she said that it seemed like his flames got slightly bigger, and hotter. She ignored this. "I still think you're making a big mistake, just imagine what you can do with my agency." "And like I said I'm not interested." She said this as she walked away. She was really hoping that he would not make a scene and as they got farther away she was relieved that he stopped. Before they could get to Where Rinji was at The next match started to begin. Both of them decided to stop where they were and watch the fight.

The next fight was Fumikage Tokoyami, vs Momo Yaoyorozu. Both of the students was from Rinji's class. Also Momo got in through recommendations so this fight would be probably interesting. Rinji couldn't help from noticing from all the way up in the stands he could tell that she was thinking pretty hard. He was worried that she was thinking too hard to be exact. Finally the sixth match begin. Tokoyami summoned his dark shadow from his chest, and it started to attack, but luckily Momo created a shield blocking the first attack. It almost look like she was going to create something else from her left hand, but he attacked again. Making her not able to create, or to react. Pushing her around a few times, finally he hit her and she lost the grip on her shield making it fly.

She was able to create another shield just in time to block his next attack but this time it pushed her even farther. She realized that he stopped attacking then she was finally able to create a metal pole to attack but before she could do anything... "Yaoyorozu!... your out!" Midnight announced. Momo had a shot look on her face, but then looked down at her feet her right foot was out of bounds. He was able to push her out of bounds without her realizing what was going on that's why he stopped attacking. The whole stadium was cheering as Tokoyami walking away and Momo was left at the ring, still shocked on how quickly it ended.

Even Deku was amazed, and started to mumble to himself about Tokoyami's quirk. Also Ojiro and Deku was talking about how he must've had a strategy planned all along, possibly making sure that he did not hurt her. They even brought up that she probably feels awful about it. Rinji realize this, and he couldn't help from watching her sadly walk off the field. He did feel bad that she did not have a chance to show off her amazing power. At this time Deku realize that Uraraka was gone and all that was left was the drink that she had sitting in her seat. The seventh match started to begin and it was Eijiro Kirishima vs Tetsutetsu Tetsutetsu. Both of them was hyped up. Mineta was in the back asleep in his chair blowing bubbles out of his nose. Jiro decided to use her ear phone jack to wake him up.


The match finally began in both of the boys ran towards each other punching. When this happened Deku got up and left most likely going to look where Uraraka was. Around the same time Momo came back and sit down in her seat beside Rinji. She still looked disappointed and honestly he did not know if he should say anything. But he decided to say something at least. "Hey Momo." He said nervously, but he hoped that she did not catch it. She turned to face him and he could tell that she try to force a smile. "Hey I'm really sorry how the fight turned out, but I still believe you did pretty good." He said with a smile hoping to cheer her up at least. "I did not even get a chance. She said with a sad expression on her face. Which this made Rinji feel really bad especially seeing her like this. "Hey don't beat yourself up with this you still got pretty far in the sports festival. There's always next time, and plus I think even if you lost today you'll be a great hero one day." He said, but he was really hoping that those were the right words to say. Sometimes he finds it pretty hard to find the words to say in the right time especially cheering somebody up.

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