I was thankful that Jay came or else, I don't know what would've happened to me. That was much more scarier than him leaving me at the (same) park the last time.

Let's not think about it, Kyra, okay? Just rest... you need it.

I wasn't just worried for my self but also for Jay. His hands were pretty swollen and I bet that must've hurt— a lot. I really gotta rest..

I was at school early with my bodyguards at my back. We're near the gate, because I'm hoping to see someone. Might as well as talk to him about few things. "Sunghoon is already here." 72 announced but I didn't looked at his way, I was finding someone else. Other than that jerk.

"What are you guys doing here?" A familiar voice asked behind, to which 56 replied. "Ms. Gu was waiting for you." I looked at them only to roll my eyes at them. "You guys are mistaken." I corrected them and walked away, but stopped to look back again to their direction. "I was waiting for someone else that doesn't concern you. You may go now. If possible, don't come back." I whispered the last sentence and ignored everyone before proceeding to my classroom.

I opened my textbook as soon as I sat on my chair and studied. I didn't get to study last night because of tiredness and that 'you know' thing.

Later he sat next to me but I ignored him, yup, he was too, ignoring me.

I don't know the reason and I don't care. The trauma was still there. I sighed and shrugged it off. Today was exam day. It was originally like a week ago but it kept on being rescheduled because of the owners' reasons. I don't know what it is but it was fine with me. Or maybe to other students too since they can study longer.

At break, Sunghoon attempted to talk to me by borrowing my marker, I didn't bought it. "Whatever." I replied and stood up to leave the classroom. He didn't bother following me and I guess that's better.

I walked to Jay's class but he wasn't around. "Uhm, excuse me... Park Jeongsong is in this class, right?" I asked one of the guys who just came out of the room. He nodded at me but cracked up later. "Yep... but he's not here. He's at detention." He shrugged his shoulders and left me.

Jay? Detention? Okay so that was suspicious...

I walked to to cafeteria to buy snacks I want and bought an extra banana milk and waffle before going to detention room. I peeked and saw the guard was out. Lucky? I smiled at my thought and looked at the chairs inside.

There were a total of 4 inside, one was sketching, one was with her phone and two was sleeping. Lucky? not really. "Pst!" I hissed at Jay who was sleeping comfortably at the chair. I can't enter since there is a camera inside, and me being seen in the camera to give the snacks to Jay would reach my parents (I just knew). It'll be big trouble.

"Jay Jeongsong Park!" I whisper shouted that woke him up. His brows raised at the me, behind the window. "What are you doing here?" He moved seats near the window. "I should be the one to ask that..." I replied and handed him the snacks.

"Uh- thank you... I just made a mistake during our quiz. Who told you that I'm here?"  I shrugged my shoulders. "Was he tall, handsome, has big eyes, with a weird haircut?" I nodded as I remembered that guy's features. "That definitely was him." I said and sipped on my milk. He rolled his eyes and took a bite of the waffle. "That Kang Taehyun again. I swear to god..." I chuckled and ate too.

That Day, That Guy (제이) JAY EN-Where stories live. Discover now