The Workaholic

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Jean sat in her office at the Knights of Favonius HQ in Mondstadt filing paperwork

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Jean sat in her office at the Knights of Favonius HQ in Mondstadt filing paperwork. Thanks to the Abyss War, she was up to her ponytail in work. She rubbed her forehead in exhaustion.

Jean: sigh When does it end?

Claude: You look stressed, babe.

Jean's fiance, Claude, walked into the office holding a bowl of food

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Jean's fiance, Claude, walked into the office holding a bowl of food.

Jean: You have no idea. The paperwork keeps piling up with no end in sight. I need a break, but I can't leave the office because I need to finish these stacks.

Claude: Well, it's a good thing I showed up when I did. Here. I made you some lunch.

Claude placed the bowl down on the table. It was his specialty: Barbecue Pork Ramen. Jean inhaled the fragrance of the dish and smiled.

Jean: You're a lifesaver, you know that?

Claude: Heh. I try. Anyway, after you get done eating, I want you to take a break.

Jean: But I can't leave the office. Who's going to handle all the paperwork?

Claude: I'm just worried about you. All work and no rest isn't good for you. At this point, it'll start affecting your health. You're not getting enough sleep as it is.

Jean: But—

Claude: Jean Gunnhildr. Take. A. Break.

Jean flinched when her man used her full name. It meant he wasn't going to budge on this. Finally caving in, she left the rest of the paperwork to one of the Knights and went home with Claude. Once home, Claude pinned her to the door and began to kiss her. Jean was surprised, but she followed along as the two French kissed. Claude grabbed her ass and lifted her up as she wrapped her legs around her man.

Jean: Not what I was expecting when you said to take a break...

Claude: Gotta relieve that tension somehow~

Claude carried his woman to the bedroom as be began to undress her, removing her top and pants to reveal her simple but cute grey bra and panties.

Claude carried his woman to the bedroom as be began to undress her, removing her top and pants to reveal her simple but cute grey bra and panties

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Jean: D-Don't stare...

Claude: Heh. Sorry. It's just that no matter how many times I see you like this, it never gets old.

Claude then removed his own clothes until he was in nothing but his shorts. He got down and removed her panties, revealing her smooth pink pussy. He worked his magic and began to lick Jean's opening, making her moan in pleasure. She squirmed and squealed as Claude used his tongue to great effect, cleaning every part of her womanhood as she grabbed his head and locked her legs around him.


The Acting Commander curled her toes, arched her back, and squirted her juices all over her man. Once he was removed from her grip, he wiped his face off with the bedsheet and saw his lover's face was a bright shade of red.

Jean: That was... Wow.

Claude: Shall we get to the main event?

Jean's pupils turned to hearts as she saw his throbbing member.

Jean: No matter how many times I've seen it, its size is still so intimidating...

Claude lined up his cock with Jean's entrance before sliding in. Jean cried out in pleasure as the girth of it slid against her walls. The two held hands as they did the deed, with Claude thrusting deep inside his woman.

Jean: Don't pant stop! He's so rough... But it somehow feels... Really gentle... Like he's taking care of me...

Claude: grunt I love you, Jean...!

Jean: Haah! I- ahn~ I love you, too, Claude!

He grabbed Jean's breast before leaning in and took it into his mouth and sucked on it. This surprised the Acting Commander as her pleasure increased. After about an hour, Claude pulled out and came in his woman's stomach, making her pout.

Jean: pout I wouldn't have minded if you did it inside...

Claude: Heh. True, but I'm not ready for a child just yet. Let's wait until the Commander comes back before you decide to settle down.

The two cuddled the rest of the evening, completely forgetting about their tasks for the Knights.

Jean: Hey, Claude?

Claude: Yeah, Jean?

Jean: If we were to have a child... Would you want a boy or a girl?

Claude: Hmm. That's a good question. If we had a boy, I could train him in the Durandal Blade Arts and raise him as a future Outrider. If we had a girl, I would spoil her like no tomorrow. Maybe she could take after you and become the next Commander of the Knights of Favonius. Of course, if they want to take their own paths, I wouldn't object. I will dread when they reach the age in which they start thinking about the opposite gender.

Jean: giggle You and me both.

Claude and Jean embraced each other and said nothing more as they drifted off into a deep slumber.

Book of Passion (One-shot Lemon Book)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora