Chapter 29: Selena

Start from the beginning

"Let go yous stupid girl!" Delmar screamed as he tried to grapple with Selena.

"Screw you, Delmar!" Selena said as she used her free hand to punch him in the face. He roared in anger and yanked her hard. Her leg gave way and she was being forced around the corner.

"Lady!" Catlynn called.

Selena turned at the last minute and saw Catlynn frantically pointing at something, but she couldn't quite make it out in the darkness. It looked like she was pointing at her arm? Her hand? Her wrist? Selena gasped. She looked at her two arms and smiled brightly. Delmar had forgotten to give her the bracelet that nullified her power! She grinned and stopped struggling. Delmar sighed in relief as he walked her hastily down the hall that held the stairs that led to the main castle.

Selena let him take two more steps before she allowed a full blast of electricity to run full voltage down her arm. The power felt euphoric as it leaked from every pore of her body. The electricity crackled and sizzled where Delmar's hand was.

"OW!" he screamed and quickly jerked his hand back. His eyes grew big as he realized his mistake. He quickly began to search his pockets, but Selena touched his chest and sent another bolt of electricity to him. He screamed as he fell backward onto the ground.

"What was it that you said when I first got here?" Selena asked. "That you'd hate to have to hurt me, Delmar?" she straddled his large body and chuckled as she bent down and touched his head with her finger. "One strong volt with my little finger is all it would take for me to fry your brain forever," he whimpered as she traced his forehead with her right index finger. "Give me the keys to the cells. Now."

Delmar sobbed as he shook his head. "Yous don't understands! He'd kills me! He'd kills me!"

"Delmar," Selena whispered. "I will kill you. Right here. Right now. Take the damn keys off and give them to me!" She pressed her index finger firmly into the middle of his forehead. "Or maybe I'll just fry your brain so bad that you'd wish you were dead."

Delmar sobbed as he fumbled with the keys attached to his belt. He unclipped them and with shaking hands handed them to Selena. She smiled as she removed her finger from his forehead. "Was that so hard, buddy?" She lifted her foot and kicked him in the face.

Delmar's head slumped to the side unconscious.

She smiled as she turned around and walked to the corner. "How did you know about the bracelet?" Selena asked Catlynn.

Catlynn's face lit up as she saw Selena walk around and squealed in excitement. "Oh, Lady!" she applauded in her cell. "I couldn't see the purple glow like I could last time when you had dinner with the master! Lady! I couldn't see anything but you sounded so fierce!" Catlynn said. "I can't believe we are finally in battle! We must go free the others!"

It took Selena time to find the right key to open Catlynn's cell, but when she finally unlocked it, Catlynn burst through the bars and embraced Selena in a tight hug. "I knew we could trust you," she quickly let go and bowed her head. "Forgive me, lady."

Selena smiled. "You have nothing to be sorry for. Lead the way and get us out of here! We can free the others and then I have to find my friends."

Catlynn nodded as she quickly moved around the corner where Delmar was leading. She saw his unconscious body on the ground and gave it a swift kick in the stomach as she walked by. "He was always such a toad," Catlynn said as she moved around his large body that took up the entire hall. She bent down and reached into his pocket and tossed something to Selena. It hit her chest and she grabbed it. "Could come in handy later."

"Toads are prettier," Selena said as she took one last look at his purple skin and gross teeth. She looked down at what Catlynn threw her and saw one of the purple bracelets that Delmar forgot to place on her. The soft purple glow that Catlynn had talked about early reflected dimly in the hall. She placed the bracelet in her pocket.

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